Wednesday 13 December 2017

ضريبة الأسهم خيارات جديدة - نيويورك -

بورصة نيويورك 12:17 مساء 24 فبراير 2017 - من قبل والاس ويتكوسكي شركة داتا-أناليتيكش ملفات ألتيريكس لالكتتاب العام الأولي تخطط شركة برمجيات تحليلات البيانات ألتيريكس شركة لرفع ما يصل الى 75 مليون في الطرح العام الأولي، وفقا لملف مع لجنة الاوراق المالية والبورصات في وقت متأخر يوم الجمعة. في عام 2016، ذكرت شركة ايرفين، كاليفورنيا مقرها خسارة صافية قدرها 47 سنتا للسهم، أو خسارة تعديل 26 سنتا للسهم، على عائدات 85.8 مليون. وتخطط الشركة لإدراجها في بورصة نيويورك تحت مؤشر أيكس. غولدمان ساكس و J. P. مورغان من بين شركات التأمين الرائدة للعرض. 4:58 صباحا 24 فبراير 2017 - ماركيتواتو هيلتون لإعادة شراء 1000000000 سهم أعلنت شركة هيلتون وردويد هولدينغز عن برنامج إعادة شراء أسهم بقيمة مليار دولار وأطلقت أرباحا حيث أن الشركة تخطط مسارها إلى الأمام بعد عملية إعادة تنظيم رئيسية لأعمالها. وقالت الشركة، التى قالت يوم الجمعة انها ستغير اسمها لشركة هيلتون، انها ستدفع ارباحا ربع سنوية تبلغ 15 سنتا للسهم. 8:49 مساء 23 فبراير 2017 - مؤشر السوق يتحرك الدولار مقابل الين ارتفع الدولار قليلا مقابل الين في التجارة الآسيوية ذات النطاق العريض يوم الجمعة، مع ضعف في أسهم طوكيو يزن على الاتجاه الصعودي للارتفاع مع تراجع المكاسب في وقت سابق من تراجع الشراء. وفى حوالى الساعة 0450 بتوقيت جرينتش كان الدولار يتداول عند 117.27 نقطة مقارنة ب112.63 نقطة فى وقت متأخر اليوم الخميس فى نيويورك. وكان اليورو عند 1.0581 فى منتصف التعاملات الاسيوية مقارنة مع 1.0583 فى وقت متأخر من يوم الخميس. 3:23 آم فبراير 23، 2017 - بواسطة تومي كيلغور ساكس لفتح متجر للرجال في الحي المالي لمدينة نيويورك سيفاكس فيفث أفينو، المملوكة لشركة كاناداس هودسون باي، تفتتح يوم الخميس متجر ثالث مدينة نيويورك، يستهدف الرجال في المالية منطقة. سيكون متجر ساكس فيفث أفينو للرجال في 250 شارع فيسي في مانهاتن، والذي كان سابقا 4 المركز المالي العالمي. سوف المتسوقين الحصول على شريط التكنولوجيا، وتكون قادرة على تصميم الدعاوى الخاصة بهم. هودسون، المدرجة في بورصة تورونتو، فقدت 12 خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية، مقارنة مع انخفاض 5.8 في سبدر سب التجزئة إتف و سب 500s 7.2 المكاسب. 12:21 مساء 22 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة مارك ديكامبر النفط يسيطر على أقل من 3 جلسات متتالية من المكاسب، حيث أن الإنتاج غير الأوبيك يزن أبي يظهر انخفاض بمقدار 884،000 برميل في الإمدادات الأمريكية الخام للأسبوع المنتهي في 17 فبراير أسعار النفط الخام يوم الأربعاء أقل، مما أدى إلى تحقيق سلسلة مكاسب من ثلاث جلسات، حيث أن المخاوف بشأن منتجي الإنتاج المتناميين خارج إطار اتفاق للحد من الإنتاج العالمي قد أثرت على العقود الآجلة للنفط الخام. 7:09 آم فبراير 22، 2017 - بواسطة ريان فلاستليكا المستثمرين قد يكون المصرفي أكثر من اللازم على ترامب رفع الأرباح المستثمرين يقتربون من أقصى حد من التفاؤل، غولدمان يكتب هوب لأفضل أرباح الشركات سمحت للسوق أن تتغاضى عن كل وسيلة من الأخبار السيئة ، بما في ذلك ارتفاع التوتر الجيوسياسي، ولكن المستثمرين قد يتقدمون على هذه الجبهة، وفقا ل غولدمان ساكس، الذي أشار إلى أنه في حين أن الأسواق آخذة في الارتفاع بشكل مطرد، توقعات المحللين ل 500 ليرة سورية قد انخفضت. 2:03 مساء 21 فبراير 2017 - ماركيتواتش شركة أرامكو السعودية تختار شركات التأمين لشركة إيبوسودي العربية المملوكة للدولة، وقد قالت شركة جي بي مورغان، هسك ومورجان ستانلي أنها ستكون شركات التأمين الرائدة في الطرح العام الأولي المخطط لها، لتكون أكبر من أي وقت مضى، وفقا لأشخاص مطلعين على هذه المسألة. 4:29 صباحا فبراير 21، 2017 - صيف سعيد المملكة العربية السعودية تفضل نيويورك لأرامكو الاكتتاب كما قال أن تنظر في لندن وتورونتو التبادلات السعودية تتجه نحو إدراج شركة النفط العملاقة التي تديرها الدولة في نيويورك ولندن أو تورونتو وقد ساءت احتمالات طرح أسهم عائمة للشركة فى بورصة آسيوية، وفقا لما ذكره أشخاص مطلعون على هذه المسألة. 8:12 آم فبراير 20، 2017 - بواسطة أنورا محمودوفا الأسواق التي سيتم إغلاقها في يوم الرؤساء مكاتب ومصارف الحكومة الأمريكية التي ستغلق مع الأسواق يوم الاثنين الاثنين 20 فبراير، سيتم إغلاق جميع البنوك الأمريكية والأسواق المالية في واحتفالا بعيد الرئيس، مما قد يتيح للمستثمرين فرصة النظر في المكاسب الهائلة في الأسهم حتى الآن هذا العام. 2:04 صباحا 18 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة كيتلين هوستون سناب الاكتتاب العام: ستة أشياء نعرفها الآن عن شركة سناب شات الأم سناب تسجل خسائر صافية كبيرة على الرغم من سناب شاتس 158 مليون مستخدم نشط يوميا سناب المقدمة للذهاب العام الخميس وسجلت خسارة صافية قدرها 514.6 مليون في عام 2016، ولكن مشاركة المستخدم عالية. 11:05 صباحا 17 فبراير 2017 - من قبل كيتلين هوستون البرمجيات كوباني ملفات مولسوفت للذهاب شركة البرمجيات العامة مولسوفت شركة رفعت للجمهور يوم الجمعة. وقد سجلت الشركة إيرادات بلغت 187.7 مليون في عام 2016، بعد أن كانت 110.3 مليون في عام 2015. وقد ضاقت صافي خسائرها إلى 49.6 مليون في عام 2016 من 65.4 مليون في عام 2015. وقدمت الشركة عرضا بقيمة 100 مليون دولار، وقد طبق على قائمة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز مول. شركة جولدمان ساكس جيه بي مورغان وبنك أوف أميركا ميريل لينش هي شركات التأمين الرائدة على الطرح. 10:07 آم 16 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة ميرا P. سايفونغ النفط ينتهي أعلى على الحديث عن خفض الانتاج تمديد أسعار الغاز الطبيعي تسجيل أدنى مستوى منذ منتصف نوفمبر العقود الآجلة الآجلة نهاية أعلى قليلا على التكهنات بأن منظمة أوبك ستمدد اتفاق قطع الانتاج ، ولكن الأسعار تلتزم بمجال تداول ضيق حيث بيانات حديثة من الولايات المتحدة تظهر زيادة أسبوعية سادسة في مخزونات النفط الخام تطغى على السوق. 11:37 مساء 15 فبراير 2017 - من قبل مورين فاريل سناب شات يحدد مجموعات الاكتتاب العام تصل إلى 22.2 مليار حتى في نهاية منخفضة من الطقات المتوقع النطاق، سيكون أكبر الولايات المتحدة المدرجة في قائمة التكنولوجيا منذ بابا في نهاية منخفضة من الطقات المتوقع المدى بين 19.5 مليار و 22.2 مليار إطلاق بورصة نيويورك ستكون أكبر الولايات المتحدة المدرجة التكنولوجيا منذ بابا. 10:25 مساء 15 فبراير 2017 - من قبل أموتز آسا-إل الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات تعلم حدود كونها كبيرة تحت النار من الشعبوية، والعولمة يواجه مشكلة الشركات وكذلك الشركات متعددة الجنسيات تعاني من أكثر من الغضب الشعبوي. تيفا الصيدلانية هي دراسة حالة في الإفراط في الشركات، يكتب أموتز آسا-إل. 11:27 صباحا 15 فبراير 2017 - من قبل تومي كيلغور كندا ملفات غوز للاكتتاب العام في الولايات المتحدة وكندا صانع الملابس كندا غوز هولدينغز Inc. قدمت يوم الاربعاء للحصول على الطرح العام الأولي. وضعت الشركة عرض نائب من 100 مليون نسمة. قدمت كندا أوزة طلبا لإدراج أسهمها في كل من بورصة نيويورك وبورصة تورونتو تحت الرمز غوز. وكانت الشركة التي تتخذ من تورونتو مقرا لها حققت عائدات عن الأشهر التسعة المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر من 3535.7 مليون دولار أمريكي، مقارنة ب 248.9 مليون جنيه في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي، وارتفع صافي الدخل إلى 42.1 مليون جنيه مقارنة ب 35.7 مليون دينار . وكانت شركة الأسهم الخاصة بين كابيتال قد حصلت على حصة الأغلبية في كندا أوزة في ديسمبر كانون الاول عام 2013. 2:50 صباحا فبراير 15، 2017 - مؤشر السوق بيبسيكو يرتفع الإيرادات، ولكن تأثير العملات الأجنبية وذكرت شركة بيبسيكو شركة الإيرادات ونمو حجم ولكن قال الدولار القوي يضر النتائج خارج البلاد. وقال الرئيس التنفيذي إندرا نويي الشركة تتوقع التحديات الاقتصاد العالمي لمواصلة هذا العام. وارتفعت أسهم بيبسيكوس 0.1 في التعاملات السابقة على سوق نيويورك للأوراق المالية، حيث جاءت الأرباح لتوقعات وول ستريت. 2:16 صباحا 15 فبراير 2017 - ترتفع إيرادات السوق بيبسيكو، ولكن تأثير الفوركس لينغرسبسيكو شركة ذكرت الإيرادات ونمو حجم ولكن قال الدولار القوي يضر النتائج في الخارج. وقال الرئيس التنفيذي إندرا نويي الشركة تتوقع التحديات الاقتصاد العالمي لمواصلة هذا العام. وارتفعت أسهم بيبسيكوس 0.1 في التعاملات السابقة على سوق نيويورك للأوراق المالية، حيث جاءت الأرباح لتوقعات وول ستريت. 11:07 مساء 14 فبراير 2017 - مؤشر السوق أنجلو أمريكان بلاتينيوم يتأرجح إلى 2016 بروفيتجوهانسبورغ - قالت شركة أنجلو أمريكان بلاتينوم المحدودة (AMS. JO)، أكبر منتج في العالم للمعادن الثمينة يوم الأربعاء أنها عادت إلى الربح في عام 2016 مع سنوات من إعادة الهيكلة والأصول بدأت المبيعات لتسديد. 9:29 مساء 13 فبراير 2017 - ماركيتواتش جلنكور تشتري حصص دان جيرتلر في 2 مناجم الكونغو وافقت شركة التعدين غلنسور بلك على دفع 534 مليون دولار نقدا للحصول على حصص في مشروعين نحاسيين أفريقيين عقدهما شريكها التجاري الطويل والمثير للجدل، وهو الملياردير الإسرائيلي دان جيرتلر. 4:16 مساء 13 فبراير 2017 - السوق حققت أبولوس ليون بلاك 142.5 مليون في العام الماضي ليون الأسود، المؤسس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الأسهم الخاصة أبولو غلوبال ماناجيمنت ليك، جمعت 142.5 مليون في الأرباح، والمكاسب من استثمارات الشركات الخاصة والرواتب لعام 2016. 9:28 صباحا فبراير 13، 2017 - من قبل جوزيف أدينولفي بيتكوين المستثمرين الرهان سيك سيوافق كريبتوكيرنسي إتف وجهة نظر على خلاف مع المحللين قسط بين بيتكوين الثقة الرمادي و بيتسوانز قيمة صافي الأصول يتقلص على الرغم من شكوك من المحامين البارزين ومحللين وول ستريت، والمستثمرين بيتكوين واثقون على نحو متزايد لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصة سوف توافق على الأقل واحدة من ثلاثة صناديق بيتكوين التي تركز على تبادل العملات التي تركز حاليا قيد النظر. 3:54 آم فبراير 13، 2017 - بواسطة مارك D. كوك هذا فقاعة السوق صنع المال على وشك أن تنفجر المشترين الأسهم تواجه ذروة الطلب، الرضا، والجشع الأسهم المستثمرين يشترون في ذروة الطلب، والرضا، والجشع، يكتب مارك D. كوك. 7:14 صباحا 10 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة ريان فلاستليكا مسار إلى بيتكوين إتف لا يزال غير مؤكد ولكن قد يكون من الأسهل تحت إدارة ترامب لمكافحة التنظيم قد يعزز موافقة المجلس الأعلى للتعليم، ولكن قضايا السيولة لا تزال مستمرةالرئيس دونالد ترومس إدارة مكافحة التنظيم قد تجعل من المرجح أن يتم الموافقة على صندوق بيتكوين التبادل التجاري، على الرغم من أن المحللين يقولون انه لا يزال بعيدا عن صفقة القيام به. 8:56 آم فبراير 9، 2017 - بواسطة جوزيف أدينولفي 4 أسباب لماذا واحدة من الصفقات ترامب الأكثر شعبية هو عكس مسيرة سندات الخزانة مرتبطة القراءة الباهتة الأجور النمو وانخفاض في أسعار النفط بعد تحمل كدمات بيع في أعقاب انتخب الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترومز انتصارا غير متوقع في الانتخابات، انخفضت عائدات الخزانة، التي تتحرك عكسيا إلى الأسعار، بشكل ملحوظ منذ بداية العام. 3:58 صباحا 9 فبراير 2017 - السوق يوم يتفوق على توقعات الأرباح، ويخسر على العائداتتذكر شركة ميوم براند Inc. يوم الخميس ارتفاع الإيرادات والمبيعات من نفس المتجر في تقرير أرباحها الأول بعد الغزل عن أعمالها في الصين. في الفترة التي اكتملت مؤخرا، ارتفعت مبيعات نفس المحل العام 1. وقال إجماع ميتريكس المحللين قد توقع 2.1 النمو. وارتفعت مبيعات نفس المتجر في كنتاكي فرايد تشيكن 3، ذكرت تاكو بيل زيادة 3 وبيتزا هت ذكرت 2 الانخفاض. 5:21 صباحا فبراير 6، 2017 - بواسطة رولف وينكلر سناب الاكتتاب سيجعل المليارات للمؤسسين واثنين من كبار المستثمرين المعيار و ليتسبيد الشركاء في المشروع حصص الخاصة بقيمة تقدر ب 2.1 مليار و 1.4 مليار، على التوالي سناب شركة الطرح العام الأولي وعود لجعل ثروة لطيفة لعدد من شركات رأس المال الاستثماري وادي السليكون، ولكن لا سيما اثنين: المعيار و ليتسبيد الشركاء في المشروع. 12:06. 5 فبراير 2017 - مؤشر السوق ناب يرتفع الأرباح، ولكن تراجع الأرباح النقدية ميلبورن، أستراليا - استفاد البنك الوطني الأسترالي الوطني (NAB. AU) من انخفاض في رسومه على القروض المتدهورة وهامش مستقر في الربع الأول من المالية السنة، مما يساعد على رفع صافي الربح. 3:33 آم 4 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة فيليب فان دورن 16 مليار صندوق ثورنبورغ يذهب للتسوق عالميا لأسهم توزيعات الأرباح بن كيربي يجد استثمارات جذابة في آسيا و يوروبينبن كيربي يتحدث عن صناديق ثورنبورغ الاستثمار باني الاستثمار المعلقة 2016 وأحدث دخل الدخل يلعب. 11:50 صباحا 3 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة والاس ويتكوسكي داو يستعيد أكثر من 20،000 سجل ناسداك سجل ترامب يتحرك لإزالة اللوائح المالية المالية، مما ساعد على إثارة مسيرة في أسهم البنوك، بما في ذلك جولدمان ساكسو. ارتفعت الأسهم يوم الجمعة بقيادة قطاع مالي أعلى بشكل حاد بسبب التقارير التي تفيد بأن الرئيس دونالد ترامب قد يزيل بعض لوائح الصناعة، وبعد بيانات الوظائف في يناير التي فاقت التوقعات. 2:50 صباحا 3 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة تومي كيلغور كيمبل حقوق الملكية الفكرية لبدء التجارة يوم الجمعة بعد التسعير في 18 شاركيمبل شركاء الملكية L. P. وقال انها تسعير الاكتتاب العام الأولي من 5 مليون سهم في 18 سهم، لرفع 90 مليون نسمة. وسوف تبدأ الأسهم الجديدة التداول يوم الجمعة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز رمز كر. وقالت الشركة المحدودة المحدودة للنفط والغاز والمعادن المعدنية مقرها ولاية تكساس أنها منحت شركات التأمين من الاكتتاب خيار لمدة 30 يوما لشراء ما يصل إلى 750،000 سهم إضافية. ريموند جيمس هو المدير الرئيسي للكتاب، و رك كابيتال ماركيتس وستيفل هما مديران مشتركان للكتاب. 11:50 صباحا 2 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة كيتلين هوستون سناب شات الأم الملفات ملف ل إبوسنابشات الأم سناب شركة رفعت للجمهور الخميس. وذكرت شركة وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية ان عائداتها بلغت 404.5 مليون دولار عن العام المنتهى فى 31 ديسمبر من 58.7 مليون فى العام السابق. وأفادت "سناب" بخسارة صافية قدرها 514.6 مليون دولار لعام 2016، مقارنة مع خسارة صافية قدرها 372.9 مليون في العام السابق. وأبلغت عن متوسط ​​الإيرادات العالمية لكل مستخدم في الأشهر الثلاثة المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر 2016، من 1.05، بزيادة من 31 سنتا في الفترة السابقة من قبل. وقالت الشركة انها تبلغ في المتوسط ​​158 مليون مستخدم يوميا، مع 2.5 مليون يستقر يوميا. وتخطط الشركة لإدراجها في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز سناب المقترح. ولم يكشف بعد عن شروط عرضه. مورغان ستانلي، جولدمان ساكس، جيه بي مورجان ودويتشه بنك للأوراق المالية هي المؤمنين الرائدة على الطرح. 5:06 آم فبراير 2، 2017 - بواسطة نوريل روبيني 6 أسباب تتنافس غير منتظمة، يمكن للسياسات المدمرة أن تدمر الأسواق تتدفق الحمائية، يمكن أن تؤثر الميول التدخلية على الاقتصادات الأمريكية والعالمية، روبيني يحذر دونالد ترومس سياسات غير متناسقة وغير منتظمة ومدمرة سوف تتخذ (نوريل روبيني)، 4:44 صباحا 2 فبراير 2017 - مؤشر سوق فيراري يعزز أرباحه من ارتفاع المبيعات، وانخفاض الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة تاكس فيراري نف سيرجيو مارشيون يحقق نتائج جيدة على وعده بالإصلاح الإنتاج في صانع السيارات الرياضية الفاخرة، وتحقيق مبيعات محسنة والأرباح في عملية في السنة الأولى للشركة مستقلة عن فيات كرايسلر للسيارات نف. 3:20 آم 2 فبراير 2017 - بواسطة جوزيف أدينولفي تداول سوق الأسهم يتغير في عصر الاستثمار السلبي يتداول المتداولون على نحو متزايد في صفقات الافتتاح والختام المستثمرون إكويتي وخاصة المستثمرين السلبيين الذين يقومون بتنفيذ نسبة متزايدة من صفقاتهم خلال ما يسمى والمزادات التي أقامتها البورصات الرئيسية في بداية ونهاية كل يوم من أيام السوق، وفقا لدراسة أجرتها شركة غرينتش أسوشيتس وشركة ناسداك Inc. 4:56 صباحا 1 فبراير 2017 - من قبل كيتلين هوستون دعوة منازل التداول قليلا فوق سعر الإصدار في السوق لاول مرة سهم منازل الدعوة. وهى ثقة استثمارية عقارية، كانت تتداول عند 20.16، وهى أعلى بكثير من سعر اصدار الطرح العام الاولي للشركة، وذلك لاول مرة فى بورصة نيويورك اليوم الاربعاء. باعت دار الضيافة 77 مليون سهم لرفع 1.54 مليار سهم، وهو أكبر اكتتاب عام في البورصة الأمريكية منذ أكثر من عام، وفقا لصحيفة وول ستريت جورنال. وكان دويتشه بنك و J. P. مورغان تشيس شركات التأمين الرائدة على الصفقة. 1:25 مساء 31 كانون الثاني / يناير 2017 - رفعت شركة "ماركيتشوت إنفيتاتيون هومز" 1.54 مليار دولار في شركة إيبوينفيتاتيون هومز، حيث رفعت 1.54 مليار دولار في طرحها العام الأولي، وفقا لما ذكره شخص مطلع على العرض، مما يجعله أكبر الاكتتاب العام في الولايات المتحدة منذ أكثر من عام. وقد باعت الثقة الاستثمارية العقارية 77 مليون سهم بواقع 20 سهم في الاكتتاب العام الأولي، وفقا للشخص. 6:35 آم يناير 31، 2017 - بواسطة فرانسين ماكينا هيريس لماذا تم تغريم دويتشه بنك 628 مليون دولار على الصفقات الروسية دويتشه بانكس تتفق مع الصفقات قد سهلت غسيل الأموال من قبل العملاء الروس، ويقول منظم يستخدم نظام التداول مرآة المعاملات وهمية لتمكين 10 مليار دولار عمليات نقل غير مشروعة من روسيا 3:28 صباحا يناير 31، 2017 - بواسطة دوغلاس فينك كيفية الاستثمار في عصر ترامب: شراء أسهم الشركات الخاصة سوف تتداول الشركات غير المتداولة في البورصة تحت الرادار حيث توفر المنصات الجديدة للمستثمرين فرصة للشراء في أسهمها، فإن الشركات غير المتداولة في البورصة سوف تطير تحت الرادار، حيث تتيح المنصات الجديدة للمستثمرين فرصة شراء الأسهم فيها، وفقا لما كتبه دوغلاس فينك. 10:16 آم جان 30، 2017 - بواسطة أنورا محمودوفا الدولار يتراجع كما حظر السفر ترامب ما يسمى الأصول المخاطر تراجع الدولار الأمريكي يوم الاثنين مقابل الين الياباني وفقدان الأرض ضد منافسيه الرئيسيين الآخرين، كما تبخرت الشهية للمخاطر بعد الرئيس دونالد وقع ترامب أمرا تنفيذيا يحظر السفر من قائمة الدول. 9:15 صباحا 30 يناير 2017 - من قبل تيم كولر المكالمات الأرباح هي مضيعة للوقت و 3 طرق أخرى لمحاربة المديرين التنفيذيين المال السريع يمكن استخدام أفضل حلفاءهم الطبيعية لمحاربة التفكير على المدى القصير يمكن استخدام أفضل حلفائها الطبيعية للمعركة والتفكير على المدى القصير، وفقا لشريك ماكينزي. كوبيرايت كوبي 2017 ماركيتواتش، Inc. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. باستخدام هذا الموقع، فإنك توافق على بنود الخدمة. سياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط. البيانات اليومية المقدمة من قبل سيكس المعلومات المالية ورهنا بشروط الاستخدام. بيانات نهاية اليوم التاريخية والحالية التي تقدمها سيكس فينانسيال إنفورماتيون. تأخرت البيانات اللحظية لكل متطلبات الصرف. سبدو جونز مؤشرات (سم) من شركة داو جونز، وشركة جميع يقتبس في وقت الصرف المحلي. في الوقت الحقيقي بيانات بيع الماضي المقدمة من نسداق. المزيد من المعلومات حول بورصة ناسداك تداولت الرموز وحالتها المالية الحالية. تأخرت البيانات اللحظية 15 دقيقة لناسداك، و 20 دقيقة للتبادلات الأخرى. سبدو جونز مؤشرات (سم) من شركة داو جونز، وشركة سيهك يتم توفير البيانات اللحظية من قبل سيكس المعلومات المالية ويتأخر 60 دقيقة على الأقل. كل الاقتباسات هي في الوقت الصرف المحلي. ماركيتواتش أهم الأخبارمدينة نيويورك هذه المقالة موجودة في مدينة نيويورك لدينا مقال آخر عن ولاية نيويورك. مدينة نيويورك هي مدينة هائلة. كل من أقاليمها الخمسة هو ما يعادل مدينة كبيرة في حد ذاتها ويمكن تقسيم نفسها إلى مناطق. هذه المقاطعة والمناطق المواد تحتوي على مشاهدة معالم المدينة، مطعم، الحياة الليلية وقوائم الإقامة تنظر في طباعتها جميعا. مدينة نيويورك (يشار إليها أيضا باسم نيويورك، مدينة نيويورك، التفاحة الكبيرة، أو المدينة فقط من قبل السكان المحليين)، هي المدينة الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسكان في الولايات المتحدة. تقع على مصب نهر هدسون في الجزء الجنوبي من الولاية، وهي جزء من منطقة وسط المحيط الأطلسي في الولايات المتحدة. تمتد المدينة على مساحة قدرها 305 ميل مربع (790 كم). يبلغ عدد سكان مدينة نيويورك حوالي 8.2 مليون نسمة. منطقة نيويورك وضواحيها. الذي يمتد إلى أسفل نيويورك. شمال نيو جيرسي. و جنوب غرب كونيتيكت. يبلغ عدد سكانها 18.7 مليون نسمة، مما يجعلها أكبر منطقة حضرية في الولايات المتحدة اعتبارا من عام 2014، كانت واحدة من أكبر 15 منطقة للمترو في العالم. نيك مدينة واسعة من جنوب الصخرة مدينة نيويورك هو مركز للإعلام والثقافة والغذاء والأزياء والفن والبحوث والمالية والتجارة. لديها واحدة من أكبر والأكثر شهرة على سطح الأرض، التي يهيمن عليها مبنى إمباير ستيت الشهير. تعديل المناطق تتكون مدينة نيويورك من خمسة أحياء. وهي خمس مقاطعات منفصلة. كل مدينة لديها ثقافة فريدة من نوعها ويمكن أن تكون مدينة كبيرة في حد ذاتها. داخل كل حي الأحياء الفردية. وبعض الأميال المربعة في الحجم، والبعض الآخر فقط عدد قليل من كتل في الحجم، وشخصيات أشاد في الموسيقى والسينما. حيث تعيش، والعمل، واللعب في نيويورك يقول شيئا لنيويورك عن من أنت. وأقسام نيويورك الخمسة هي: مانهاتن (مقاطعة نيويورك) الجزيرة الشهيرة بين هدسون وشرق الأنهار، مع العديد من الأحياء المتنوعة وفريدة من نوعها. مانهاتن هي موطن لمبنى إمباير ستيت في وسط المدينة. سنترال بارك. ميدان التايمز. وول ستريت. هارلم. والأحياء العصرية من قرية غرينتش و سوهو. بروكلين (كينغس كونتي) المنطقة الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسكان، وكانت سابقا مدينة منفصلة. تقع جنوب وشرق مانهاتن عبر نهر الشرق. تشتهر بالفنانين، وأماكن الموسيقى، والشواطئ، وجزيرة كوني. بروكلين هي أيضا موطن لمركز باركليز، وهو الساحة التي تستضيف بروكلين نتس فريق كرة السلة المهنية. كوينز (مقاطعة كوينز) تقع إلى الشرق من مانهاتن، عبر نهر الشرق، وشمال، شرق وجنوب بروكلين. كوينز هي موطن المطارين الرئيسيين في المدينة، نيويورك فريق ميتس البيسبول المهنية، مركز الولايات المتحدة للتنس المفتوح، والحي الصيني ثاني أكبر مدينة نيويورك (في فلوشينغ). مع أكثر من 170 لغة يتحدث، كوينز هي المنطقة الأكثر إثنيا متنوعة في الولايات المتحدة، واحدة من أكثر تنوعا في العالم. برونكس (مقاطعة برونكس) يقع برونكس شمال جزيرة مانهاتن، وهو موطن لحديقة حيوان برونكس، وحدائق نيويورك النباتية، وفريق البيسبول المحترفين في نيويورك يانكيز. جزيرة ستاتن (مقاطعة ريتشموند) جزيرة كبيرة في ميناء نيويورك، جنوب مانهاتن وعبر الضيق كيل فان كول من نيو جيرسي. على عكس بقية مدينة نيويورك، جزيرة ستاتن لها طابع الضواحي. فهم تحرير سنترال بارك جميلة في أي وقت من السنة. مدينة نيويورك هي واحدة من المراكز العالمية للتمويل الدولي، والسياسة، والاتصالات، والأفلام، والموسيقى، والأزياء، والثقافة. جنبا إلى جنب مع لندن واحدة من اثنين فقط المعترف بها عالميا لتكون المدن العالمية - المدن الأكثر أهمية وتأثيرا على الأرض. وهو موطن للعديد من المتاحف ذات المستوى العالمي والمعارض الفنية والمسارح. والعديد من أكبر الشركات في العالم مقرها هنا. ويقع مقر الأمم المتحدة في نيويورك، ومعظم البلدان لديها قنصلية هنا. إن تأثير هذه المدينة على العالم، وجميع سكانها، من الصعب المبالغة فيه، حيث أن القرارات المتخذة داخل حدودها كثيرا ما يكون لها آثار وتداعيات في جميع أنحاء العالم. ويعيش المهاجرون (وذريتهم) من أكثر من 180 بلدا هنا، مما يجعلها واحدة من أكثر المدن العالمية في العالم. ينجذب المسافرون إلى مدينة نيويورك لثقافتها وطاقتها وكوزموبوليتانيسم. اللغة الإنجليزية هي اللغة الأساسية التي يتحدث بها معظم سكان نيويورك، على الرغم من أنه من الشائع في العديد من المجتمعات الاستماع إلى لغات أخرى مفهومة على نطاق واسع عموما. في العديد من الأحياء، هناك عدد كبير من السكان لاتينيوسبانيك، وكثير من سكان نيويورك يتحدثون الإسبانية. معظم سائقي سيارات الأجرة يتكلمون إما العربية أو الهندية أو البنغالية. هناك أيضا العديد من الأحياء في جميع أنحاء المدينة التي لديها تركيز عال من المهاجرين الصينيين حيث الماندرين أو الكانتونية قد تكون مفيدة. في بعض هذه الأحياء، قد لا يتحدث بعض السكان المحليين الإنجليزية جيدة جدا، ولكن أصحاب المتاجر وأولئك الذين يتعاملون بشكل متكرر مع السياح أو الزوار جميعا سوف يتكلمون الإنجليزية. وكانت هجمات مركز التجارة العالمي في 11 أيلول / سبتمبر 2001 محنة مشتركة لسكان المدينة. وعلى الرغم من تلك الأحداث، من عام 2003 إلى الوقت الحالي، انتعشت مدينة نيويورك وتجاوزت نفسها في النمو. في السنوات العشرين الماضية، انتقل الكثير من الناس من الطبقة الوسطى إلى المدينة، سواء من أجزاء أخرى من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو العالم الذي غيرت شخصية المدينة بأكملها. المناطق التي كانت تتدهور وخطيرة في 1970s و 1980s هي الآن مكلفة للغاية للعيش فيها. تم تجنب ساحة تايمز مع كل سطوع ومتنزه مرئيات اليوم بأي ثمن قبل 30 عاما. وعلى الرغم من أن الجريمة قد انخفضت على الصعيد الوطني في السنوات العشرين الماضية، فإن الاختلافات في مدينة نيويورك متطرفة. إن الجريمة تنخفض إلى ثلث مستويات عام 1989، وبالنظر إلى مدى نمو السكان في نفس السنوات، أصبحت مدينة نيويورك الآن واحدة من أكثر المدن أمانا في أمريكا. تحرير التوجيه في وسط وغرب مدينة نيويورك هو حي مانهاتن، وهي جزيرة ضيقة طويلة تقع في الميناء الطبيعي. يتم فصلها عن برونكس على الشمال الشرقي من نهر هارلم (في الواقع مضيق المد والجزر) من كوينز وبروكلين إلى الشرق والجنوب من قبل نهر الشرق (أيضا مضيق المد والجزر) ومن ولاية نيو جيرسي إلى الغرب و الشمال، بجانب، ال التعريف، نهر هدسون. جزيرة ستاتن تقع إلى الجنوب الغربي، عبر خليج نيويورك العليا. على الرغم من أن مانهاتن تدير شمال شرقا إلى جنوب غرب، فإنه يشار إليها كما لو أنها ركض الشمال والجنوب. وهكذا، يعني وسط المدينة الشمال، ووسط المدينة يعني الجنوب. وتتواصل أرقام الشوارع من مانهاتن إلى برونكس، وتزداد أرقام الشوارع عند تحرك واحد أبعد من الشمال (ومع ذلك، في برونكس، لا توجد شبكة رقمية بسيطة، لذلك قد يكون هناك 7 كتل بين 167 سانت و 170 سانت على سبيل المثال) . تمتد الأفنيوز شمالا وجنوبا. في بروكلين العكس هو الصحيح، كما ترتفع أرقام الشوارع كما يتحرك الجنوب. يتم وضع الشوارع كوينز في شبكة عمودي - أرقام الشوارع ترتفع كما يتحرك واحد نحو الشرق، والسبل تمتد شرقا وغربا. جزيرة ستاتن ليس لديها أرقام الشوارع على الإطلاق. قد يشير مصطلح المدينة إما إلى مدينة نيويورك ككل، أو إلى منطقة مانهاتن وحدها، تبعا للسياق. أما الأحياء الأخرى، وهي بروكلين، وبرونكس، وجزيرة ستاتن، وكوينز، فإنها يشار إليها أحيانا باسم الأحياء الخارجية. ويشير المصطلح "أوستات" عموما إلى أي جزء من ولاية نيويورك إلى الشمال من حدود مدينة برونكس، ولكن ليس في ولاية نيوجيرسي أو كونيتيكت المجاورة. تحرير المناخ تحقق توقعات نيويورك لمدة 7 أيام في نوا مدينة نيويورك لديها المناخ القاري الرطب ويختبر كل الفصول الأربعة، مع الصيف الحار والرطب (يونيو-سبتمبر)، الخريف بارد وجاف (سبتمبر-ديسمبر)، الشتاء البارد (Dec - مار)، والينابيع الرطبة (مارس-يونيو). ويبلغ متوسط ​​الارتفاع في كانون الثاني / يناير حوالي 38 فهرنهايت (3 ج) ويبلغ متوسط ​​القمم لشهر يوليو حوالي 84 فهرنهايت (29 درجة مئوية). ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تنخفض درجات الحرارة في فصل الشتاء إلى أقل من 0F (-18C) أو حتى أقل وفي فصل الصيف، يمكن أن درجات الحرارة تصل إلى 100F (38C) أو أعلى قليلا. درجة الحرارة في أي موسم هو متغير جدا وليس من غير المألوف أن يكون مشمس 60F (16C) يوم في يناير يليه ثلجي 25F (-3C) اليوم. كما يمكن أن تكون نيويورك معرضة للعواصف الثلجية والعواصف النهرية (عواصف كبيرة تشبه العاصفة الاستوائية)، التي يمكنها تفريغ الثلوج (60 سم) من الثلوج في غضون 24-48 ساعة. ومع ذلك، نادرا ما تقع الثلوج أكثر من بضعة أيام. كما يمكن للعواصف الاستوائية أن تضرب مدينة نيويورك في الصيف وأوائل الخريف. الناس تحرير مجموعة متنوعة من السكان تدير سلسلة من بعض الأمريكتين أغنى المشاهير والأشخاص الاجتماعيين للمشردين. هناك الملايين من المهاجرين الذين يعيشون في المدينة. سكان نيويورك متنوعة منذ تأسيس المدينة من قبل الهولنديين. الموجات المتعاقبة من الهجرة من كل دولة تقريبا في العالم تجعل نيويورك تجربة اجتماعية عملاقة في الانسجام بين الثقافات. تراث المدينة العرقية يضيء أحياء مختلفة في جميع أنحاء الأحياء الخمسة. مانهاتانز الحي الصيني لا يزال مركزا نابضا بالحياة من المجتمع الصيني مدينة نيويورك، على الرغم من أن في السنوات الأخيرة المجتمع الصيني كبير جدا في فلوشينغ، كوينز، منافستها إن لم يكن اكتساح في أهميتها، وثلاثة تشيناتونز أخرى شكلت في مدينة نيويورك: الحي الصيني بروكلين إلى داخل، الغروب، أوقف السيارة، ال التعريف، إلمورست، الالحي الصيني، إلى داخل، كوينز، أيضا، ال التعريف، سبيل u، الالحي الصيني، كائن، إلى داخل، ال التعريف، هومكرست، تقاطع، بسبب، بروكلين. آثار الجانب الشرقي السفلى المجتمع اليهودي مرة واحدة مزدهرة لا تزال موجودة وسط الأحياء المستعصرة حديثا المطاعم والحانات العصرية، ولكن هناك مجتمعات تشاسيديك في بور بارك، كراون هايتس ويليامزبرغ، بروكلين. لقد كانت هارلم مثمرة وتنوعا، ولا تزال مركزا للثقافة الأمريكية الأمريكية في نيويورك. الشرق (الأسبانية) هارلم لا يزال يبرر سمعتها باعتبارها حي اسباني كبير. ولا يعرف معظم السياح سوى الأحياء الدومينيكية الكبيرة في مرتفعات هاميلتون وواشنطن هايتس في مانهاتن العليا. بروكلينز غرينبوانت تشتهر المجتمع البولندية كبيرة ونابضة بالحياة، وقسم فلاتبوش - مرة واحدة موطن ل بروكلين دودجرز - هو اليوم في منطقة البحر الكاريبي ضخمة ومزدهرة القسم الهندي. ومن المعروف أن كوينز وبروكلين كانا موطنا للعديد من مجموعات المهاجرين الأحدث في نيويورك التي تضمنت منذ عام 1990 أعدادا كبيرة من الروس والأوزبك والنيجيريين والصينيين والأيرلنديين والإيطاليين والفرنسيين والفلبينيين واليوغوسلافيين واليونانيين والهنود والسريلانكيين والباكستانيين والبنغلاديشيين واليابانيين والكوريين والتايزيين والكينيين والعرب (من جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا) والمكسيكيين والدومينيكيين والإكوادوريين والبرازيليين والكولومبيين والجامايكيين. وخلافا لمعظم الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، فإن سكان القوقاز في مدينة نيويورك الذين هم من سكان نيويورك المولودين أصلا ينحدرون بأعداد كبيرة من المهاجرين في القرون السابقة: أيريش أو إيطالي أو أوروبي شرقي يهود، ونسبة أقل من اليونانيين واليوغوسلاف والألبان. كل واحدة من هذه المجموعات جلبت المأكولات معهم، مما يجعل مدينة نيويورك حيث باغيل أصيلة، البيتزا والجيروسكوبات متوفرة في كل مكان. وقد حدث تغير هام في السكان مؤخرا. خلال العقدين الماضيين وخاصة منذ عام 2003، انتقلت أعداد كبيرة من الشباب، وكثير منهم خريجي الجامعات الحديثة والمهنيين من بقية الولايات المتحدة إلى مدينة نيويورك، ومعظمهم من بروكلين، مانهاتن، وأجزاء كوينز الأقرب إلى مانهاتن. لقد غيروا الأمور كثيرا، ولا يزالون يضيفون إلى حيوية نيويورك وإنتاجها الفني. لقد غيروا أحياءهم تماما في بروكلين ومنهاتن، مثل ويليامزبورغ، بروكلين وجانب الشرق الأدنى، مانهاتن. شيء مهم أن نلاحظ حول مدينة نيويورك، هو تغيير لا تنتهي أبدا، ومخازن جديدة، والشركات والمباني وحتى ناطحات السحاب استبدال الهياكل السابقة، وهناك دائما البناء الجديد. صور من نفس الشارع المزدحم 10 أو 20 عاما مضت لا يمكن التعرف عليها اليوم. اقتصاد تحرير مدينة نيويورك هي موطن ل 46 شركات فورتشن 500. وكان الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في عام 2009 من 1.265 تريليون دولار هو الأكبر في أي مدينة أمريكية ويمثل حوالي 9 من الاقتصاد الأمريكي. إذا كانت دولة، فإن المدينة لديها 16 أعلى الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في العالم. إن اقتصاد نيويورك المتوسع باستمرار هو السبب الرئيسي الذي جعل الملايين قد هاجروا إلى المدينة من جميع أنحاء العالم وفي جميع أنحاء البلاد خلال القرنين الماضيين من نمو المدينة. نيويورك هي المركز الوطني للعديد من الصناعات. في منزل اثنين من أكبر البورصات الأمريكية (نيس، نسداق) والعديد من البنوك. وول ستريت الشهيرة حيث بورصة نيويورك (نيسك) هو فضلا عن البنوك الاستثمارية الشهيرة (أو سيئة السمعة) وشركات الاستثمار المالي. يقع وول ستريت في الحي المالي في مانهاتن السفلى. الحصول على تعديل عن طريق الطائرة تحرير اتحاد النقل الجوي الدولي. نيك هو رمز لجميع مطارات مدينة نيويورك. والمدينة على اتصال جيد للغاية عن طريق الجو مع الرحلات الجوية من كل ركن تقريبا من العالم. وتخدم المنطقة ثلاثة مطارات صغيرة عديدة وعديدة. مطار جون إف كينيدي الدولي (إاتا جفك) ومطار نيوآرك ليبرتي الدولي (إاتا إور) هو المطار الدولي الكبير، في حين مطار لاغوارديا (إاتا. لغا) هو المطار المحلي مشغول. وتدير هيئة الميناء بنيويورك ونيوجيرسي المطارات الثلاثة جميعها. مطار تيتيربورو (إاتا. تب) تحظى بشعبية في الطيران العام ورجال الأعمال المسافرين من مدينة نيويورك. سيارات الأجرة الجوية وشركات الطيران المستأجرة مثل إنكرديجيت طائرة خاصة الميثاق. في وقت مبكر الهواء الطريق. مونارك الهواء المجموعة. طائرة الزئبق و جيتسيت ميثاق يطير مجموعة متنوعة من الطائرات الخاصة والطائرات المستأجرة، من الميثاق غلفستريمز الفاخرة وصولا إلى التوأم المكبس اقتصادية للمجموعات الصغيرة والأفراد. النقل بين المطار تعديل بوسوبواي - الاتصالات بين المطارات باستخدام القطارات بوسوبوايباث هي الخيار أرخص، ولكن سوف تتطلب العديد من التحويلات. خصص ساعتين كحد أدنى لوقت السفر. مدينة نيويورك حافلة إيربورتر - خدمة بين جفك، لاغوارديا، ونيوارك المطارات (14 بين جفك و لاغوارديا 1 ساعة، 27 من نيوارك نيوارك 2-3 ساعات). تغادر الحافلات كل 20-30 دقيقة. هناك حاجة إلى نقل بالحافلة إلى نيوارك إيربورت إكسبريس باص عند محطة حافلات ميناء ميناء مطار نيوارك من وإلى مطار جفك ومطار لاغوارديا. إتس إير شوتل - تدير خدمة النقل المشتركة غير متكررة جدا بين لغا و إور ل 32. تكلفة ركوب 10 بين لغا و جفك، 32 بين إور و لغا و 29 بين جفك و إور. All County Express - runs very infrequent shared ride van service between all LGA and EWR for 32. Taxis - the fastest option when changing airports. A taxi between JFK and LGA will cost about 25-29 and should take 30min. A taxi between LGA and EWR will cost about 78 tolls and should take 60-75min. A taxi between JFK and EWR will cost about 85 tolls and should take 60-75min. Helicopter Transfer - A common method of travel or business people to downtown as well as smaller private airports. Companies like New York Helicopter offer these services. (IATA. JFK ) is in the borough of Queens. There are eight terminals that are not very close to each other (with two that are to be demolished and soon rebuilt), so it is important to note which terminal your flight leaves from. AirTrain connects the terminals - note that it is only free if you are traveling between terminals to either terminus, the fare is 5. There is Wi-Fi via Boingo, which is sometimes considered not reliable however, Terminal 5 has free Wi-Fi. Aeroflot, Aeromexico, Air China, Air France, Alitalia, Austrian, Brussels, Cayman Airways, China Eastern, Fly Jamaica, Interjet, Japan Airlines, Korean, LOT Polish, Lufthansa, Meridiana, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Royal Air Moroc, Saudia, Transaero, Turkish 2 (Built for Northwest, Northeast amp Braniff Airlines in 1962) Delta (domestic), Delta Connection 3 (Pan Am Worldport) (Closed. To be demolished for additional aircraft parking.) 4 (International Terminal) Delta (to LAX, SFO, SEA, tofrom domestic and international destinations), Aer Lingus (arrivals not pre-cleared by US authorities in Ireland), Air India, Air Europa, Air Jamaica, Alitalia (AZ602603 are at T4 while their other flights are at T1), Arik, Asiana, AviancaTaca, Caribbean, China Airlines, Copa, Czech, Egyptair, El Al, Emirates, Etihad, EVA Air, JetBlue (international arrivals), KLM, Kuwait Airways, Miami Air International (charter flights), Pakistan International Airways, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, Sun Countr y, TAME (Ecuador), Swiss International, Virgin America. Virgin Atlantic. Uzbekistan, XL Airways 5 (TWA Flight Center) Aer Lingus. Hawaiian. JetBlue (arrivals from Bogota (via Orlando), Aruba, Bermuda, and the Bahamas arrive at Terminal 5. All other international flights arrive at Terminal 4) 6 (National Airlines Sundrome) (Demolished to allow for expansion of T5 under T5i for international flights) 7 (Originally built in 1970 for BOAC amp Air Canada) 8 (American Airlines Terminal) Air Berlin, American (domestic amp international), American Eagle, LAN (and its subsidiaries), Finnair, Royal Jordanian, Qantas, Qatar, TAM Brazilian Landing or taking off from JFK has been much improved in recent years by the addition of the multi-billion-dollar Bay Runway, but due to sheer volume it remains the worst airport in the country in terms of flight delays. If possible, do not connect using JFK, especially when switching terminals. If you must connect via JFK, make sure you have sufficient time. For flights from domestic (US and Canada) to JFK to domestic, 2-3h. For domestic to JFK to international, 3-4h. For international to JFK to domestic, 3-5h. For international to JFK to international, 3-6h. International travelers are most strongly advised to avoid connecting in JFK to other international flights, as the security and immigration procedures for non-US citizens are monumentally time-consuming and tiresome. In addition, all Jetblue International flights and some Aer Lingus flights (except any flights from both airlines that have done pre-clearance and Flights from Puerto Rico) are required to arrive at Terminal 4 not Terminal 5 since they dont have customs yet, although itll be built by 2015. Left luggage services are available in the arrivals areas of Terminal 1 and Terminal 4 and cost 4-16160per bag per day, depending on size. There are plenty of ATMs, but almost all charge a 2-3160fee per withdrawal. Luggage trolleys are available either for a fee of 3 in Terminals 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 or free in Terminals 1 and 4. There are many hotels of all service levels close to the airport and most run shuttle buses tofrom the airport. To travel between JFK and Manhattan (the city): By rail edit JFK AirTrain - a people mover system that runs 247, connecting all airport terminals with nearby rail and metro stations for 5 plus 1 for MetroCard. Runs services to: Howard Beach Station to connect with the A train (to Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan). When returning to the airport on the A train, be sure to board a train to Far Rockaway or Rockaway Park . NOT to Lefferts Blvd . Look for this destination sign on the side of the train as many tourists often mistakenly take the Lefferts Blvd train when not paying attention. Jamaica Station to connect with the: E train (to Queens and Midtown Manhattan) JZ trains (to Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan). Marginally faster, and much less crowded, than the E. Note that during rush hours, the J and Z operate a skip-stop service, bypassing alternate stations between Manhattan and Queens. Long Island Railroad to Penn Station (4 weekend with CityTicket, 7.25 weekday off-peak, 10.00 peak times), Brooklyn, or Long Island. Elevators are available at Jamaica and Penn Stations. Total time to Manhattan using the subway is 60min using the Long Island Railroad is 45min. This is sometimes faster than taking a taxi. If you take the A or J during overnight hours, be alert of your surroundings as the train passes through some rough neighborhoods. By road edit MTA NYC Bus - costing 2.75 (with MetroCard plus 1 fee if new, 3.00 single-ride ticket), these are the cheapest methods of transport, although the slowest to Manhattan. The buses depart from a new ramp near Terminal 5 (signs inside Terminal 5 will point the way). These buses have little room for luggage and go to non-touristy neighborhoods in Queens and Brooklyn. However, they offer connections to the subway and Long Island Railroad. Note that free transfers between bus and subway are available only with a MetroCard the single ride ticket does not allow free transfers. Coins (not bills) are needed to board the buses without a MetroCard. MetroCards are sold at Hudson Newsstands in Terminals 1 and 5. If the newsstands are closed and you would like to spend 30 minutes to save 2.25, take the Airtrain to the Howard Beach Station where you can buy a multiple ride Metrocard from the vending machines without leaving the station (free). Then take the Airtrain back one stop to the Lefferts Boulevard station, where you can cross the street for the Q10 and B15 buses. (The signage here is not as good as in Terminal 5.) Bus to subwayLIRR transfers include: Q3 to: Jamaica-179th St (45 minutes): F Train Q10 to: Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd (20 min): A Train - the subway connection closest to the airport Jamaica Ave amp Lefferts Blvd . J amp Z Trains (walk 3 blocks E to 121st St Jamaica Ave Stn) Kew Gardens (30 minutes): Transfer here to the Long Island Railroad (Austin St Stn) with service to Penn Station (8 peak, 5.75 off-peak, 4 weekend with CityTicket), Brooklyn, and Long Island. While this option is cheaper than taking the AirTrain to Jamaica and connecting there to the LIRR, LIRR service from here is much less frequent than LIRR service from Jamaica. Kew Gardens-80 Road-Union Turnpike (Last Stop) (35 minutes): E amp F Trains. During rush hours, from this stop, you can take express buses X63, X64, X68, QM18, and QM21 to Manhattan. While these routes are slower and more expensive than taking the subway, they do offer a ride on cloth seats without the crowding. Ask where the bus stops are located. 6.00, but it is 3.50 if you transfer from the Q10 bus and pay for both with a MetroCard. B15 to: Ashford Street amp New Lots Avenue (30min): 3 Train. Van Sinderen Ave amp New Lots Avenue (35min): L Train. Fulton Street amp Kingston-Throop Avenues (60min): C Train. Flushing Ave. . J Train all times except weekdays 7AM-1PM towards Manhattan and 1PM-8PM away from Manhattan, M Train weekdays (at Broadway). Transfers from the B15 to the subway are in some of Brooklyns roughest neighborhoods, so this route is not recommended at night or for people unfamiliar with the city. New York City Airporter Bus - provides services tofrom Grand Central Terminal and the Port Authority Bus Terminal for 16 one-way, 29 round-trip (return ticket). Buses depart every 15-30min and the trip to Grand Central Terminal can take up to 90min. Terminal 7 is usually the first stop, which takes about 45 minutes after departing, then Terminals 8, 1, 2, 4, and 5. It may take up to half an hour to go around the airport. While the online schedule shows stops at Penn Station, the bus does not go there until 8pm however, there is a free connecting service between Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal. SuperShuttle - blue vans provide door-to-door service to Manhattan hotels for about 25. Go Airlink Shuttle - Shared van service to or from most of Manhattan for 17-20 one way. 10 discount for online booking. Taxi - The most flexible route into the city from JFK is a taxi, although the wait for one can be long when many flights arrive simultaneously. Fare runs a flat 52.50 to anywhere in Manhattan, not including tolls (up to 5.50) or tips. Taxis to points other than Manhattan and taxis to the airport from anywhere use the meter (see taxis in Getting around). The arrivals terminals are filled with drivers hawking illegal livery rides - if you want to take one of these, be sure to negotiate the fare in advance and make sure that it is cheaper than the taxi fare noted above. This also saves the wait in the taxi line. In general, though, it is not recommended if you are unfamiliar with the city. Car ServiceLimousines - An alternative to taxis, car services are useful for getting to the airport from the outer boroughs where taxis are harder to find, or if you prefer to have transportation reserved in advance. Typically 60 between JFK and Manhattan. Newark Liberty International Airport edit IATA. EWR (1 800 397 4636) located to the west of NYC in Newark and Elizabeth. نيو جيرسي. This airport has three terminals labeled A, B, C. Terminal C is the home of United Airlines which has a major hub at Newark. Most other international airlines use Terminal B while domestic flights (except Delta in which they departarrive in Terminal B) are from Terminal A, but there are exceptions so check your terminal before you head for the airport. Remember where youll depart so you dont get lost. If you are flying by United to the US from another country, You may arrive at Terminal B. Remember that most international United flights (except any flight thats done pre-clearance, for example in Dublin ) always arrives at Terminal C while some may arrive at Terminal B due to space. If this is not your final destination but a layover to your destination, re-check your bags, and go to Terminal C. To travel between the city and LGA: By rail edit There is no rail service at LaGuardia Airport. However, buses (see below) connect to the subway or commuter rail systems. By road edit Local Bus - costing 2.75, this is the cheapest method of transport, although the slowest to Manhattan. The buses have little room for luggage (M60 SBS and Q70 routes have luggage racks on board). However, they offer connections to the subway and Long Island Railroad. Free transfers between bus and subway, subway and bus, and bus and bus are available only with a MetroCard the single ride ticket does not allow free transfers and coins are needed to board the buses without a MetroCard. There is a change machine in the airport terminal and MetroCards can be bought in the airport at Hudson News. The MetroCard vending machine at the airport does not accept cash. On 25 May 2014 the M60 Select Bus Service (SBS) began. An off-board fare payment system is in use on this route only, and a proof-of-payment ticket must be obtained before boarding the M60 SBS route by using a MetroCard, single ride ticket, or coins at the SBS fare machines located at the bus stop. These machines do not vend MetroCards, one must still be obtained in the airport first. Bus to subwayLIRR transfers include: M60. particularly useful if you are staying in Harlem. the Upper West Side or Hostelling International New York, to: Astoria Blvd (15-25min): N and Q Trains ( Q trains weekdays only) 125th St amp Lexington Ave (30min): 4, 5, 6 Trains amp Metro-North Railroad Service 125th St amp Lenox Ave. Malcolm X Blvd (30min): 2 amp 3 Trains 125th St amp 8th Ave. St. Nicholas Ave (35min): A, B (weekdays only), C, and D Trains 116th St amp Broadway (40min): 1 Train Q47 from Marine Air Terminal to: Jackson HeightsRoosevelt Avenue for the E, F, M, R, and 7 trains. (30min) Q48 to: Flushing (30min): Long Island Railroad, as well as buses to Eastern Queens and northern Nassau County. Q70 from any of the other terminals nonstop to: Jackson HeightsRoosevelt Avenue (8-10min without traffic) for the E, F, M, R, and 7 trains. Woodside-61st Street (15-20 minutes without traffic) for Long Island Railroad Q72 to: Junction Blvd amp Roosevelt Avenue for 7 train. (20min) or Rego Park for M or R trains (35-40min) Go Airlink Shuttle - Shared van door-to-door service. 16 to Manhattan. 10 discount for online purchase. New York City Airporter Bus - provides services tofrom Grand Central Terminal and the Port Authority Bus Terminal for 12 one-way, 22 round-trip (return ticket). Buses depart every 15-30min and the trip to Grand Central Terminal can take up to 65min. While the schedule on-line shows stops at Penn Station, the bus does not go there noon-6pm however, SuperShuttle offers a free connecting service between Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal. Taxis cost 21-30 tofrom Manhattan plus tips, tolls, a 0.50 tax to NY, and a 1 surcharge during rush hour. You can save on tolls by asking the driver to use Queensboro Bridge for points midtown and on the Upper East Side, the Williamsburg Bridge for the Village and downtown, or Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges for points downtown. If going above 72nd St, it is better to pay the toll (5.50) and take the RFK Bridge (formerly called the Triboro) into Manhattan. Private Car Service - An alternative to taxis, car services are useful for getting to the airport from the outer boroughs where taxis are harder to find, or if you prefer to have transportation reserved in advance. Typically 40 between LGA and Manhattan. Other airports edit Long Island MacArthur Airport edit (Islip Airport) (IATA. ISP ) is located in Ronkonkoma (Town of Islip) on Long Island. The airport is served by Southwest Airlines, a major US discount carrier. USAirways has a minor presence at the airport. To travel between the city and ISP: A shuttle bus (10min, 5) operates between the ISP and the Ronkonkoma Long Island Railroad station. From there, you can take a train to Penn Station in Manhattan. (1.5h, 12.75 off peak17.50 peak). The Long Island Railroad offers a discount package (17.50 per adult for shuttletrain to Manhattan) There is also the S57 bus from the airport to Ronkonkoma for 1.50. However, it isnt coordinated with the trains like the shuttle is. BoltBus bus shuttles to Manhattan from the Courtyard by Marriott hotel near the LIRR station. Approx. 7-10 one-way. Hampton Jitney bus services from Ronkonkoma to Manhattan cost 25 the bus stops a short cab ride away from ISP. Westchester County Airport (IATA. HPN ) edit Near the town of White Plains. is served by American, Cape Air, Delta, JetBlue, United, amp USAirways. To travel between the city and HPN: Beeline Bus 12 (2.75 call 1-914-813-7777 for details) operates service tofrom the White Plains Metro-North station. From there, you can take a Metro-North train (6.25 off-peak and 8.50 peak) to any of various points in the Bronx, or 125th StPark Ave and Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. Trains run roughly every half hour for most of the day and take approximately 40min. Stewart International Airport (IATA. SWF ) edit To travel between the city and SWF: A shuttle bus connects the SWF with the Beacon Metro North Train Station. From there, you can take a train into Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. Trenton-Mercer Airport (IATA. TTN ) edit A little further afield, sees limited commercial service on Frontier Airlines. Passengers flying into Trenton can reach Manhattan by taking a taxi to the Trenton train station and then taking the Jersey Transits Northeast Corridor Line or Amtrak to Penn Station. By train edit 1 800 USA RAIL (1 800 872 7245) operates from New York Penn Station . directly under Madison Square Garden, on 34th St between 7th amp 8th Avenues. Popular trains leaving during rush hours can fill up quickly its a good idea to make reservations on-line or via phone and pick up your ticket using a credit card or your confirmation number at one of the electronic kiosks located throughout the station. On some of the non-business routes, for example New York to Montreal, Amtrak actually takes more time and costs more money than taking the bus or renting a car. Check and compare schedules and prices before booking. Amtraks Acela express train provides regular fast commuter service between major points along the east coast such as Washington, D. C.. Boston. Baltimore. Philadelphia. New Haven. and Providence. Amtrak services are also available to points along the East Coast down to Florida. across the southeast to New Orleans. to points between New York and Chicago. including Pittsburgh and Cleveland. to New York state including Albany. Rochester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls. and to Toronto and Montreal in Canada. Service to California takes 4 days and requires a change of train in Chicago. Amtraks ClubAcela. located near the big security desk in Penn Station, offers complimentary drinks, WiFi, newspapers, magazines and clean bathrooms. Access to the club is granted to travelers with sleeper tickets, First Class Acela tickets, Amtrak GuestRewards SelectPlus membership, or United Airlines BusinessFirst tickets for same-day travel, and United Club members. Commuter Rail edit Grand Central Terminal at night New York City is served by three commuter railroads. With the exception of the Metro-North Railroad (starts at Grand Central) the other commuter railroads also start at Penn Station by Madison Square Gardens. Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) operates between New York Penn Station and Long Island with New York City stops at Jamaica Station, Long Island City, and Hunters Point in Queens as well as Atlantic Terminal station in Brooklyn. LIRR tickets can be purchased on-line or inside stations prior to boarding the train. Tickets are also available for purchase on the train but are significantly more expensive. The cost of the ticket varies based on the distance of the ride. Metro-North Rail Road (Metro North) operates between Grand Central Terminal and points north and east of the city all the way to Connecticut. Trains also stop at the Harlem station on 125th Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan. The New Haven line serves cities along the coast with branch lines to Danbury and Waterbury. The Hudson Line serves points along the Hudson River to Poughkeepsie. The Harlem Line serves Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess Counties to Pawling and Wassaic. At New Haven, passengers may transfer to Amtrak or to the Shore Line East providing local service between New Haven and New London, Connecticut. Metro North tickets can be purchased on-line or inside stations prior to boarding the train. Tickets are also available for purchase on the train but are significantly more expensive. The cost of the ticket varies based on the distance of the ride. New Jersey Transit operates between New York Penn Station and points in New Jersey. The Northeast corridor line goes to Princeton and Trenton. Services are also available for points along the Jersey Coast and, with a transfer in Secaucus, to points north of the city (in New Jersey and New York State west of the Hudson). Connecting service is available from Trenton to Philadelphia via SEPTA or to Camden (New Jersey) via RiverLINE. Connecting service to Newark Liberty International Airport is available from some Northeast corridor trains. NJ Transit tickets can be purchased online or inside stations prior to boarding the train. Tickets are also available for purchase on the train but are significantly more expensive. The cost of the ticket varies based on the distance of the ride. PATH edit PATH train at WTC terminal PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) is a subway type system connecting New York City to Hoboken. Newark, and various points on the New Jersey shore of the Hudson River. Two lines pass under the Hudson and enter the city, one terminating near the World Trade Center site downtown, the other at 33rd St in Midtown (see map ). The PATH system is, therefore, a useful shortcut if traveling between Newark and Lower Manhattan, without having to travel all the way up to Penn Station, and then double back southward again. The PATH station at 33rd Street is not connected to, nor part of Penn Station. PATH costs 2.75 per ride. PATH 10-ride discount: 21 for 10 rides, which are stored in a SmartLink Gray disposable paper card (no charge for the card) or a permanent Smartlink green plastic card (5 extra for the card). The PATH system also accepts the Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard (but not Unlimited Ride MetroCard ). Theres a 1 fee for buying a new Metrocard except if expired or damaged. For the visitor traveling from New Jersey daily, it is more convenient and possibly cheaper to purchase the MetroCard to travel on both the PATH and the MTA systems. However, remember there is no free MetroCard transfer between PATH and MTA subwaysbuses. By bus edit Some buses offer WiFi, power outlets and even business-class style luxury. Buses serve New Jersey, New York suburbs west of the Hudson River, and all cities along the east coast of the US. Additionally, be aware that with private buses in New York City you get what you pay for. Most buses are safe, however, bus companies that are offering very low fares often are riskier in that their drivers are not as cautious on the roads and often speed. Also, the level of service is frequently somewhat less. If you have to transfer between buses using these discount buses for example, their drivers may speak limited English and be less able to assist you in making the transfer. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but it is a consideration of which travelers should be aware when choosing a bus company. The NY Port Authority Bus Terminal at 625 8th Ave in Manhattan (8th Ave amp W 42nd St next to Times Square - 42nd St Port Authority Bus Terminal subway stop) 1 serves as a central bus terminal for most major lines. Note that not all lines go into the NY Port Authority bus Terminal either. They can have stops (or their own office amp terminal) on the streets around Times Square, around Penn Station, Wall St, Chinatown, the airport(s), andor anywhere in the city instead. Others may serve the Port Authority Terminal and then several other places around the city. Check with them before departing. Tofrom New Jersey edit New Jersey Transit operates service between destinations in New Jersey and Manhattans Port Authority Bus Terminal on 8th Ave amp 42nd St. Lakeland operates Rt46 (To Dover), 78 (Bernardsville or Bedminster) and 80 (Newton or Sparta) from Port Authority Bus Terminal. Tofrom Boston edit The trip normally takes 4.5h, there are at least 82 buses daily in each direction. Boston Deluxe. connects Chinatown to Hartford. Weekend service. 15. NOTICE: Website is under construction. Fung Wah Bus Granddaddy of all Chinatown buses, with service to and from Boston at the corner of Canal and Chrystie Streets. 15. At least hourly 7AM-11PM, additional weekend service. WARNING: Fung Wah Bus has suspended all bus service until further notice. Limoliner from Boston with on board attendant, food service, WiFi, wide seats. Lucky Star runs from Boston to their Chinatown office at least hourly 6AM-11PM and at 2AM. WiFi on some buses. From 1 online, 15 walk-up. Boltbus. runs from Boston South Station Peter Pan Bus Greyhound Go Buses runs from Cambridge and Newton Tofrom Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC edit Also see BoltBus, Greyhound, Megabus, and Yo serving other locations. DC2NY service tofrom Washington DC. WiFi. Eastern Travel - several buses a day to Chinatown andor Penn Station. Wi-Fi on some buses. Partner with Megabus on some services. Hola Bus Todays Bus The Know It Express - service between Atlantic Ave-Pacific St subway station in Brooklyn and Washington DC. Tripper Bus - service tofrom Bethesda, MD Arlington (Rosslyn), VA. Pickup location is at 7th Ave amp 34th St at Penn Station amp Madison Square Garden. From 1 online. Vamoose Bus - service between New York City Penn Station (7th Ave amp W 30th St) and Bethesda, MD Arlington, VA amp Lorton, VA. Fares start at 30 each way. Washington Deluxe service tofrom Washington DC. WiFi. From Washington DC (21) some to Brooklyn. ToFrom Pennsylvania beyond Philadelphia edit Executive Coach provides affordable and safe roundtrip bus charter service to New York City from local Pennsylvanian cities such as Lancaster, Hershey, and Harrisburg. We also provide service throughout the Continental United States and Canada. Martz Trailways operates service to western Pennsylvania and Manhattans Port Authority Bus Terminal on 8th Ave amp 42nd St. Susquehannabus Trailways goes to northern amp central Pennsylvania. Trans Bridges goes to Bethlehem, Allentown, Doylestown, etc. in Pennsylvania. Elite Coach Provides roundtrip service to New York City from Lancaster, Ephrata, York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and other Pennsylvania locations. Tofrom other locations edit Adirondack Trailways goes up to various other places in New York state and to Montreal. BoltBus offers service from Boston, Washington, DC and Philadelphia fares start at 1 online, closer to the date they typically cost around 20. WiFi, electrical outlets. Buses to DC stop at 33rd St amp 7th Ave as well as Canal St amp 6th Ave. Buses to Philadelphia stop at Canal St amp 6th Ave as well as 34th St amp 8th Ave. CampJ. 1-603-430-1100 (toll free: 1-800-258-7111 ), 2. Goes up to Tewksbury, MA and Portsmouth, NH 160edit Greyhound, Vermont Transit offer connections across North America and internet-only bargain fares to the Port Authority Bus Terminal on 8th Ave amp 42nd St. WiFi, electrical outlets and the works on some buses. La Cubana goes down to Miami, once daily except Tuesdays and Thursdays, along I-95 with stops in Union City, NJ Elizabeth, NJ Philadelphia, Washington etc. from their office amp stop at 4149 Broadway. Coach USA. Coach USA also operates as Suburban, Shortline, Olympia, Red amp Tan Line, and Rockland bus lines to other destinations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, upstate New York, or Connecticut NeOn is a service operated by Greyhound and partners to Toronto buses run to the New Yorker Hotel on 8th Ave and 34th St from the Royal York Hotel in Toronto and stops across New York state. WiFi, electrical outlets. Fares start at 1 if booked several months in advance, closer to the date they more typically cost around 50. Peter Pan Bus Company operates between cities in the Northeast U. S. and the Port Authority Bus Terminal on 8th Ave amp 42nd St. 7Bus goes up to upper Long Island. Today Bus, Everyday Bus, and Tiger Bus 3 All three operate from Chinatown in Manhattan non-stop to Virginia BeachNorfolk Virginia (approx 6 hours the first two go to Norfolk, while the third goes to Virginia Beach, the next town over). Price varies, but is generally around 60 round-trip or 35 one way. Yo Bus offers service from Boston, Washington, DC and Philadelphia fares start at 12 online. Every bus features power outlets and free WiFi. Tickets can also be bought from a ticket window at 95 E. Broadway. Buses depart from the median near 2 Pike Street, located between E. Broadway and Division Street. By car edit New York City - as you would expect - enjoys a prominent position on the US Interstate highway network. Although the city can be easily reached by car from anywhere in the nation, driving within the metropolitan area is an experience definitely not for the faint hearted It makes much more sense to use public transportation, but for those who insist on driving, the main routes into the New York City area are: I-76I-78 from western New Jersey, the interior of Pennsylvania and beyond. I-80 is the main approach from much of the Midwest and Western United States I-80 stretches across the continent from San Francisco. some 2,900 miles (4,700km) away on the opposite coast. I-87 . the main approach from Upstate New York and Montreal, Canada. I-95 is the main route up the eastern seaboard of the United States, connecting Miami to the Canadian border. Realistically, the main destinations along I-95 which are within reasonable driving distance to New York are Boston (374km) to the north, Philadelphia (152km), Baltimore (302km), and Washington DC (364km) to the south. By boat edit New York City has always been one of the worlds most important passenger sea ports, and arriving by ocean liner or cruise ship still remains an extraordinary and stylish method of arrival. In addition to passenger service from the Cunard Line, many cruise ships start or end their voyages in New York City. The Cunard Line operates regularly scheduled passenger service between the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal and Southampton. England as well as Hamburg. Germany aboard the RMS Queen Mary 2 . the grandest, largest ocean liner ever built. The trip takes 6-7 days and costs 800-6,000 depending on the cabin and season. Get around edit Left luggage Note that, due to security concerns, there are very few left luggage, storage lockers, or coatcheck services at any New York train station. This includes Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal however the Amtrak checked luggage point at Penn Station is still operating, but only for ticketed passengers. There are left luggage services in the Arrivals area of Terminals 1 and 4 at JFK Airport . The left luggage office in Terminal 4 is open 24 hours. There is also a luggage storage at Building 4 of JFK, which will require photo ID. In Manhattan there is Cubby . with one location at 303 Park Avenue South - which is close to Grand Central Terminal their prices are 7-12 per 24 hour period. Also, there is Schwartz Travel amp Storage . with three locations in Midtown Manhattan, close to Penn Station the price per day is 7-10 per bag. Some hotels will store luggage for customers who have checked out of the hotel. Most of NYC is laid out in a grid. By convention, Manhattan is spoken of as if it runs north to south (its actually northeast to southwest), with streets running east and west and avenues running north and south. This makes it relatively easy and straightforward to find your way. Streets are numbered (except in downtown Manhattan) and the numbering rises as you go north. Most avenues are numbered from east to west (so First Ave is east of Second, etc.) below 59th St. Building numbering on avenues starts at the south end of the avenue and rises as you move north, while building numbering on streets starts at Fifth Ave (for the most part - see below) and increases as you go east or west crosstown. Above Washington Sq, Fifth Ave divides Manhattan into east and west numbering starts at Fifth Ave on each side (except where Central Park interrupts) and increases in either direction. Addresses west of Fifth Ave are written as, for example, 220 W 34th St, while those east of Fifth Ave are written as 220 E 34th St. However, for numbered streets below Washington Sq (fortunately, there are only two, 3rd and 4th streets), Broadway divides the streets into East and West. Because of this dual-numbering system, it is always advisable to keep in mind the closest intersection to your destination (6th Ave and 34th St, Broadway and 51st, etc.). You might also see addresses written in a kind of shorthand in terms of the nearest crossing streets, for example 1755 Broadway bw 56th amp 57th or 74 E. 4th bw 2nd amp Bowery. - along with the terms uptown and downtown, this shorthand is almost a New York language which most visitors soon learn surreptitiously and start speaking themselves In Greenwich Village and downtown Manhattan - generally considered as below Houston St (HOW-ston) - all bets are off as streets meander, dead-end and intersect themselves. Streets in Greenwich Village are particularly notorious for defying logic. For instance, West 4th St intersects with West 10th St and West 12th St, and you can stand on the corner of Waverly Place and Waverly Place As a convenient guide to distance, there are 20 blocks per mile along the avenues (walking northsouth). The average person can walk roughly 1 block per minute, or 60 blocks (3 mi) per hour. Walking eastwest on the streets, blocks are generally much longer. In Queens, avenues, roads, and drives generally run eastwest and increase numerically as you proceed south. Streets run northsouth. Queens and Northern Blvds run eastwest. The Bronx is a continuation of the Manhattan street numbers. 3rd Ave is the only numbered avenue in the Bronx. On foot edit For shorter distances, there is no better way of getting around New York than hitting the sidewalk. If you use the subway or buses, you will almost certainly need to walk to and from stations or stops. In all areas of New York a traveler is likely to visit, all streets have wide, smoothly-paved sidewalks. For long distances, walking is also fine and a great way to see the city. Pedestrian Basics edit Jaywalking is extremely common among New Yorkers an average New Yorker typically jaywalks 10-15 times a day. However, it can be extremely dangerous. If you cannot properly gauge the speed of oncoming cars, it is recommended you wait for the walk signal. Do not blindly follow someone crossing, as while they might have time to make it across, the person behind them might not. If you do jaywalk, remember that in the US, people drive on the right side of the road on two-way streets so remember to look left to check for oncoming traffic on your side of the road. Be aware that many streets are one-way, so you may have to look right. Beware of bicyclists unlawfully going against the proper flow of vehicular traffic. Remember that even if you have a walk signal, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances can bypass red traffic lights. Always defer to these vehicles when walking. New York City Pedestrian Etiquette If you do not wish to jaywalk, be considerate of New Yorkers by not blocking them from jaywalking while you are waiting for your signal. Its New York City. Its crowded on those sidewalks -- especially in Manhattan -- so when someone accidentally bumps into someone else, it is not only acceptable, but generally expected, for one to say Excuse me, or Im sorry. Be especially careful when you are carrying an umbrella to ensure that it does not catch a passer-by in the eye. Just like when driving, stay to the right (e. g. on subway staircases), let people pass if you are a slow walker, and dont stop suddenly or cut people off. If you are with a group, it is considered extremely poor etiquette to block the sidewalk without providing space for others to pass or overtake you. Texting (or, by extension, even reading texts) on ones cellphone while walking, is discouraged If you see someone who is in obvious distress, stop and offer to help them. Call 911 if necessary. NYC may be large, but it is still a relatively close-knit community, and New Yorkers generally take care of New Yorkers, visitors included. Keep your pets close by. Wandering pets can become a large problem on crowded NYC sidewalks. They can get in peoples way, and their leashes may become obstacles and entanglements to others. A simple, common-sense rule of thumb yet, to this day is all-too-often ill-applied, will always work wonders on the streets of NYC (most notably Manhattan): WALK in the areas that are meant for WALKING, STAND in the areas that are meant for STANDING, and SIT in the areas that are meant for SITTING. DO NOT EVER mix any combination of the three. To sum up -- the general, basic rule of the NYC sidewalk: Watching out for others at all times. In the most fundamental sense, this means preventing collisions with other people. Public Transit Buses and Subways edit To ride the buses and subways in NYC its most likely youll need a MetroCard from The Metropolitan Transit Authority or MTA for use on the New York City bus and subway systems. While it is possible to pay bus fares using exact change (coins only), you must have a MetroCard to enter the subway system. Cards can be bought online, at station booths, at vending machines in subway stations, and at many grocery stores and newstands (look for a MetroCard sign on the store window). The vending machines in the stations accept credit cards however, MetroCard vending machines will require that you type in your 5-digit zip code, or your regular PIN on international cards. There is a 1 fee for a new MetroCard due to recent fare hikes. The PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) subway system, which operates between New York and New Jersey, is not operated by the MTA and is therefore separate but with the same fare as the MTA. In addition, if you buy a new Metrocard in any PATH Station The 1 Fee also applies to all Metrocard Vending machines in all PATH Stations including stationcommuter rail booths. Even though PATH accepts payment by MetroCard, no free transfers are available to or from MTA subways or buses, because PATH is separate. JFK AirTrain also accepts MetroCard, but again, is not operated by the MTA and no free transfers are available. Metro-North Commuter Railroad, Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), New Jersey Transit (NJT) Buses, Trains, and Light Rail systems, and Amtrak trains do not accept MetroCard. Up to three children 44 inches (112cm) tall ride for free on subways and local buses when accompanied by a fare paying adult. MetroCards generally expire one year after purchase the expiration date is printed on the back of the card at the upper left. If a card is expired, one has 2 years after the expiration date to transfer any balance to a new card, by asking a station agent to replace it in the first year after expiration or if more than a year since expiration it must be mailed to MetroCard Customer Claims for replacement. Single Ride MetroCard - costs 3.00 and is good for one use. It allows no free transfers (outside the subway system) and is only valid for two hours after purchase. Pay-Per-Ride (Regular) MetroCards - are available in amounts from 5.50 to 80. Each local bus or subway trip, and each use of the PATH System deducts 2.75 from your card each express buses trip deducts 6.50. Usage of JFK Airtrain deducts 5. Note that you can always add additional money to your MetroCard at a later time. Additionally, you receive a 11 bonus for purchases of 10 or more (e. g. a 10 purchase yields a credit of 11.10). Regular MetroCard is the best option if you are spending a few days in New York and plan to use public transportation intermittently. Additionally, a Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard allows for one free transfer during a two hour window immediately following a paid fare: From subway to local bus From local bus to subway From local bus to local bus (but not to any bus on the same route as the first) From express bus to subway From express bus to local bus From express bus to express bus (but not to any bus on the same route as the first) You can transfer from subway to subway as often as you like provided that you do not exit the subway system by leaving through a turnstile or gate. Many subway connections are possible in this way, by using in-station connections between the various lines. Indeed, the Guinness Book of World Records tracks the fastest times of groups that have tried to ride every single New York City subway train line on one fare - some have spent over 24 consecutive hours riding in the subway Just remember that if you leave the subway and re-enter, you will be charged a second fare. Additionally, if you board a local bus and pay the 2.75 fare with a MetroCard, you can transfer to an express bus for the reduced price of 3.75 (instead of the standard 6.50 express bus fare). Unlimited Ride MetroCards - are available in 7-day (31) and 30-day (116.50). They are valid from the time you first use them until midnight of the 7th and 30th day, respectively. Do the math these cards may work out to be cheaper if you plan on using public transport frequently during your stay. Roughly, it works out to two trips every day for a week so those who commute round-trip within the city every day can benefit from this. Note that Unlimited Ride MetroCards may not be used in rapid succession at the same subway station or on the same bus route. Once used, 18 minutes must elapse before it can be used at the same station (or on the same bus route). This is to prevent people from using a single Unlimited Ride MetroCard to pay for an entire group, for example. Hence, each member of the group will require their own Unlimited Ride MetroCard. Unlimited Ride MetroCards are NOT valid on express buses, JFK AirTrain, or PATH trains to New Jersey. 7-Day Express Bus Plus - costs 57.25 and allows unlimited use of not just local buses and subways, but also express buses. If you are staying in Staten Island, Queens, or Westchester county and plan to commute to the city during your visit, this pass may be advantageous to you. Also available are two passes good only for unlimited use of the JFK Airtrain . a 30-day unlimited AirTrain pass for 40, and a 10-trip pass for 25. You can also get discounted tickets to certain events by showing your MetroCard when purchasing tickets. Current promotions, By Subway edit Map of the New York City Subway Despite a (somewhat deserved) reputation for being dirty, the subway, which operates 247, is the fastest and best way to travel around the city. Fares are 2.75 (unless you use Single Ride MetroCard, which is 3.00), regardless of distance traveled. The much-feared subway crimes of the 1970s and 1980s are for the most part a thing of the past, and it is almost always completely safe. Just remember to use common sense when traveling late at night alone. Try to use heavily-traveled stations, remain visible to other people, and dont display items of value publicly. While violent crime is rare, petty crime - especially theft of iPhones and other expensive electronics - is more frequent, so be aware when using your phone on the train. Also, beware that hundreds of people have been arrested for putting their feet on a Subway seat or sitting improperly on a subway seat. Seven years ago, rule 1050(7)(J) of the citys transit code criminalized what was once simply selfish behavior, such as standing too close to the doors. About 1,600 people were arrested in 2011 and had to wait long periods before seeing a judge and being sentenced. Subway basics edit To enter the subway, you will need to swipe your MetroCard through the slot on the right hand side of the turnstile that greets you at the subway entrance. Hold your card with the logo facing your body and black magnetic strip down. Then slide it forward through the slot at a moderate speed. Youll know you succeeded when the display flashes Go in green and you hear a CLICK sound. Only once you hear the CLICK is it OK to walk through the turnstile. Swiping the card improperly or moving the turnstile incorrectly could mean the forfeiture of your fare (for Pay-Per-Ride cards) or a lockout of 18 min (for Unlimited Ride cards). If this happens, go to a station booth and explain the problem. The agent will ask for your MetroCard, confirm that it was just charged, and let you go through (though many agents will simply accept your word and allow you through for expediency). Overhead signage next to each track indicates the train lines that stop at that particular track and the direction they are heading. In addition, the trains themselves are marked by signage that indicates their line. Subway stations are ventilated to the street, so they can be quite cold in the winter. In summertime, the stations can be much warmer than the outside temperature. The trains themselves are quite comfortable, but keep the temperature of stations in mind when planning your trip. Some lines are express . meaning that they skip local stations to provide faster service. Wherever there is an express train, there is also a local train that makes all stops. Local and express lines often use different tracks, which are marked on platforms and trains. For example, the 2 and 3 are the express trains for the 7th Ave Line between 96th St and Chambers St in Manhattan, while the 1 runs local alongside them. During weekends and late nights, certain trains do not operate, many express trains make local stops, and some subway entrances are closed. Detailed information is available on the MTA website. Additionally, maintenance work is usually concentrated on weekends and overnight. Notices of maintenance are also posted at stations to avoid unpleasant surprises. Remember, if you do feel confused, ask for help. Be aware that construction related service changes confuse many New Yorkers, so the best person to ask is a subway employee. The entire subway system is a massive, connected network, so do not fear there will always be another way to get to your destination. A free subway map can be found online. or obtained at staffed station booths. Station agents can also assist you with directions. Even if not taking the bus, the free bus system maps for each borough double as fairly good street maps that show the exact location of every subway station. For directions on how to travel between two addresses in the city via subway, buses, regional rail, or walking, see HopStop. Additionally, for convenience, subway maps are displayed in every station and on every train. Route overview edit Every subway line is identified by either a letter or a number. In midtown Manhattan, they are mostly grouped by color, but not always. However, lines are not identified by their color (e. g. Blue Line), but instead by letternumber (e. g. A). The Lexington Ave Line trains (4, 5, 6) are essentially the only trains on the East Side above 23 St. Useful to get to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (4, 5, or 6 to 86th St Station or 6 to 77th St Station), Guggenheim Museum (4, 5, or 6 to 86th St Station), and other East Side museums. Also to get to the Statue of Liberty (4, 5 to Bowling Green Station), Chinatown (6 to Canal Street Station), and the Stock Exchange (4 and 5 to Wall St). The Seventh Ave Line (1, 2, 3) serves Broadway above 42nd St, and Seventh Ave below 42nd St. Useful to get to the West Village, Chelsea, and Tribeca neighborhoods as well as the Staten Island or Statue of Liberty ferries (1 to South Ferry Station) and Columbia University (1 to 116th Street Station). The Eighth Ave Line (A, C, E) serves Eighth Ave between 14th and 116th streets, then St. Nicholas Ave, Broadway, and Ft. Washington Ave starting at 125th St. in Harlem. Between 50th and 59th streets, the E branches off to Queens, and the B and D lines join the A and C lines for the journey uptown along Central Park West (the B and C make local stops). This section is useful to get to the Natural History Museum (B and C to 81st St Station), and Cloisters Museum (A to 190th St Station). Take an uptown E train or a Rockaway-bound A train for access to JFK Airport. The Sixth Ave Line (B, D, F, M) runs on 6th Ave from West 4th St to 47th-50th St and is useful for accessing the New York Public Library (42nd St), Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, and St. Patricks Cathedral (47th-50th St). The Broadway Line (N, Q, R, W) runs down Broadway below 42nd St and on Seventh Ave and 59th St above Times Sq. The N, Q, R, and W trains are useful for accessing Chinatown (Canal St), SoHoNoHo, NYU area, Union Sq (14th St), the Empire State Bldg (34th St), Times Sq (42nd St), Carnegie Hall (57th St), Central Park (57th St and 5th Ave stations) and the southern end of the Upper East Side. The R and W trains also go down to Financial District and South Ferry (Whitehall St). The Q train branches off and serves the new Second Avenue Line on the Upper East Side, ending at 96th St. The Nassau St line (J, Z), starts in the Financial District at Broad Street, then continues north to Essex Street and crosses the Williamsburg Bridge to Brooklyn and Queens. During rush hours, the J and Z operate skip-stop, or bypass alternate intermediate stations to speed up the trip. The Flushing Line (7), unofficially dubbed the International Express, runs crosstown along 42nd St (making a good late-night alternative to the upstairs shuttle (see below)) and out to Queens, making stops in Filipino, South Asian, Hispanic, and ChineseKorean neighborhoods, and also to Citi Field (formerly Shea Stadium). The Canarsie Line (L) also runs crosstown along 14th St, then out to Canarsie in Brooklyn. The Crosstown Line (G) runs along most of Western Brooklyn and into Long Island City in Queens. At no point on its route does it stop in Manhattan. There are three Shuttles (indicated with an S) throughout the system. The 42nd St Shuttle connects Times Sq on the West Side, with Grand Central Terminal on the East Side. The Franklin Ave shuttle in Brooklyn makes four stops at Fulton St (transfer to C), Park Pl, Botanical Gardens (transfer to 2,3,4, and 5), and Prospect Pk (transfer to B and Q). The Rockaway Shuttle runs alongside the A train between Broad Channel and Beach 116th St. By PATH edit PATH can be used to travel within Manhattan, from 33rd St along 6th Ave to Christopher St, and for less than the subway due to fare hike proposals from the MTA. It covers such a small territory but in theory you can use it if you have to travel its exact route. Note that Unlimited Ride Metrocards cannot be used on the PATH. PATH also accepts the SmartLink Card (similar to the MetroCard, but the SmartLink Card cannot be used on the subway). PATH fare is 2.75, Around the same price as the New York City Subway, for now. The PATH train can be a great way to get around lower Midtown along 6th Ave. Like the subway, PATH operates 247. Usually, PATH trains arrive every 5-10 min (based on the time), but overnight, they may only come every 35 min. By commuter rail edit Commuter rail lines are mostly used for traveling between the city and its suburbs however, they can be used for intracity transit as well. A handful of destinations are closer to commuter rail stops but far from the subway. MetroCards are not accepted on commuter rail separate single or period tickets must be bought. When purchasing commuter railroad tickets, it is advantageous to purchase them online or in railroad stations prior to boarding. While tickets are available for sale on trains, there is an on-board surcharge that makes them significantly more expensive. The Long Island Railroad. often called the LIRR runs tofrom Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan, Flatbush AvenueAtlantic Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn, and has limited rush hour service tofrom Long Island City, Queens. The Port Washington Branch goes to Northeast Queens which, aside from Flushing and Citi Field, is not served by the subway system. The Main Line, which contains most of the branches to the different parts of Long Island, goes to Southeastern Queens. including Jamaica, Laurelton, and Rosedale. The Atlantic Branch, which ends in Downtown Brooklyn. goes to East New York and Bedford-Stuyvesant. both in Brooklyn. This branch is not accessible from Manhattan, however. The LIRR is also the fastest way to get from JFK to Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Queens, and also runs to many popular getaways in Long Island. such as Long Beach, Port Jefferson, and Montauk. The LIRR has a somewhat deserved reputation for poor on-time performance, however this is more of a problem in the farther eastern reaches of the railroad and not so much a problem in New York City and its immediate suburbs. The Metro-North Railroad provides services tofrom Grand Central Terminal. Trains go to the Bronx and the northern suburbs of the city. The Hudson Line covers several parts of the Western Bronx, while the Harlem Line goes through the Central Bronx an area with no subway service. It is the best way to get to Arthur Avenue and the New York Botanic Gardens. The Hudson and Harlem Lines are also your gateway to Westchester County and beyond, with the Hudson Line running all the way to Poughkeepsie. The New Haven Line runs to Connecticut, terminating, logically enough, in New Haven. By bus edit New York City bus Even in Manhattan, with its dense subway network, buses can often be the best way of making a cross-town (i. e. east-west) journey, for example, crossing Central Park to go from the Metropolitan Museum to the Museum of Natural History. And outside peak hours, a ride by bus from the tip of Manhattan at Battery Park to Midtown is a good and cheap way of taking in the sights. Bus basics edit Bus lines are identified by letters followed by numbers. The letters indicate the borough in which the line mostly operates (MManhattan BxBronx BBrooklyn QQueens SStaten Island). Collectively, the letters and numbers make up the route (examples: M31, Bx9, M15). Signage at each bus stop indicates which buses stop there. Signage on the front of each bus indicates the route and destination of the bus. maps for each borough . Express buses travel between Manhattan and the outer boroughs, usually to areas where the subway doesnt operate (such as eastern Queens, the eastern Bronx, southeast Brooklyn, and Staten Island). They cost 6 but offer comfortable cloth seats and are less crowded than the subway and local buses. Most Express buses are identified with either X (X1, X2, X63, X68) or by the Borough they connect to Manhattan. So Expresses buses to and from the Bronx would be labeled BxM (BxM11, BxM18), to and from Brooklyn would be labeled BM (BM1, BM2) and to and from Queens QM (QM1,QM2). Staten Island express buses are labeled with X. Keep in mind that several Brooklyn amp Queens routes are also labeled with an X (the X2737 and X2838 go to Brooklyn, while the X636468 go to Queens). When boarding a bus with a MetroCard, insert the card vertically, with the pin hole down, the black stripe to the right and the word MetroCard facing towards you, into the card slot in the top of the fare box next to the driver. You should be able to read the word MetroCard from bottom to top when inserting the card in this manner. The fare box will swallow the card, read it, and return it to you. Note this is different from the procedure to enter the subway described in Subway Basics. Bus fareboxes only accept nickels, dimes and quarters (no bills). As a safety precaution, drivers do not handle money. Change is not given, so exact fares must be paid. If you pay with coins and require a free transfer, you will have to ask the driver for one after you have paid. Certain north-south buses contain a small orange and purple card in the window that says Limited. These limited buses do not make all local bus stops, but instead stop only at major cross streets. If a Limited bus skips your stop, you can wait for a local bus which will arrive soon. On some Avenues where there is at least two or more bus routes serving it, some bus routes may operate Limited on the entire avenue or at least until they branch off. For example along 3rdLexington Avenue, the M101 provides limited-stop service, while the M102 amp M103 provide local service. Select Bus Service also makes limited stops like the Limited buses described above, and costs the standard 2.75 fare. They appear on the Bx12 amp Bx41 in the Bronx, B44 in Brooklyn and M15, M34 and M34A in Manhattan. They can be identified by two large blinking blue lights on the front of the bus. However, these buses operate on a very different payment system. To board these SBS buses, fares must be paid before boarding by using machines on the sidewalk near a special SBS bus stop which is typically quite close to the local bus stop. Follow the instructions at the machine to pay. Once the fare has been paid, a receipt will be printed take it and keep it with you. Once the bus arrives, you can enter through any door, but remember if you paid with cash to use the front door if you will need to ask the driver for a transfer. Fare inspectors will randomly check for your fare receipt as proof of payment show it to them if they ask. If you dont have a valid receipt, you will be fined 100 or more so it is wise to always pay the fare. However, if you cannot buy the ticket successfully, such as due to a malfunctioning machine, note the machine number and report the problem to the bus driver near the front door at once. If the SBS skips your stop, wait at the local bus stop for a local bus which will arrive soon. Buses across the city have a new feature called BusTime that allows you to see how far away the next bus is. It is available at bustime. mta. info. By taxi edit Yellow Cabs cruise in most of Manhattan and are available at dispatcher lines at airports, but are harder to find in the other four boroughs and Northern Manhattan where Green Boro taxis cruise. NYC taxis are yellow, have a metal seal on the hood (medallion), a rooflight with a taxi number, a meter for billing, stickers on the door stating NYC T and metered fare, special taxi license plates, and a partition inside the car. The previously ubiquitous Ford Crown Victoria sedan is slowly being phased out, although they still make up the majority on the roads - ToyotaNissan hybrid sedans, and even some small SUVs and minivans are now commonplace. Green Boro Cabs cruise exclusively in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and northern Manhattan (north of East 96 St and north of West 110 St). They do not service southern Manhattan where yellow cabs predominate or any of the airports. They will take passengers into Manhattan and the airports but will not pick up in these areas as their GPS meters deactivate. Boro taxis are apple green, have a rooflight with a taxi number, a meter for billing, stickers on the door stating NYC T Boro and metered fare, special taxi license plates, and a partition inside the car. The fares are 2.50 plus a 0.50 state tax to start, plus 0.50 for each 15 mile traveled. There is a night surcharge 8PM-6AM of 0.50 and a rush hour surcharge of 1 from M-F 4PM-8PM. A trip between JFK Airport and Manhattan is a flat fare of 52.50. In addition, as in the rest of the United States, tipping your taxi driver is expected in New York. For more information, see Tipping in the United States. Info on fares, flat fares, group rides and rules. All yellow cabs accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express for payment. In the unlikely event that the card reader is broken, the driver will let you know before you get into the taxi. To hail a taxi, stand visibly near the street (but away from moving traffic) with one arm raised over your head. The medallion numbers on the roof of the taxi will indicate the status of the taxi: If the medallion number is lit the taxi is available for hire. If the medallion number is unlit, then the taxi is already occupied or off-duty, but he or she may still pick you up if off-duty and you are traveling in the same direction as the driver. Its worth a try to hail it. However, a driver may still decline your fare even after stopping if you are going a different direction than them. Livery or Black Cars . known as car services or livery cabs, may only be called by phone, and are flat rate rather than metered. In most areas, they are not allowed to cruise the streets or airports for fares, although they will do so anyway. Ask for the fare in advance. Their license plates will say either Livery or TLC on the bottom. In some areas, livery cabs can be flagged on the street. Though this is technically illegal (the driver, not you, could get into trouble), it is useful in upper Manhattan and the outer boroughs and is accepted practice. The minimum fare in these cabs is about 7, and it is advisable to negotiate the fare before you get inside (again, tipping your driver is expected). Since yellow cabs are hard to come by in the outer boroughs, these cars are particularly useful for getting to the airport (your hotel can arrange one, or look up car services in the Yellow Pages). Taxi Basics edit All licensed yellow and green taxis and sedan limousines are authorized to take three passengers in the backseat and one in the front seat for a total of four. However, some of the newer minivan and SUV yellow cabs can seat more passengers and may take more than four passengers (even though the licensed limit is posted in the cab). Larger than sedan limousines can be reserved, also useful for airport trips with lots of luggage, by calling any of the dozens of companies in the yellow pages. For all cabs, you must pay tolls for bridges, tunnels and highways. All cabs must use EZPASS automatic toll collectors which will display separately on the meter. Only pay the toll shown on the meter. Be careful of being overcharged by drivers for toll crossingson bridges and tunnels (like the Queens-Midtown Tunnel or Triboro Bridge) rates are not posted in plain view. So, a crossing which actually cost the cab driver 5 is easily passed onto the unsuspecting passenger as a 10 charge. Outside the city, other than flat fare destinations and Newark Airport, meter rates are doubled (when going to Westchester or Nassau County). Tipping your driver is expected. Finding an available yellow cab can be difficult during the shift change times. Cabdrivers work 12-hour shifts, usually 5PM-5AM or 5AM-5PM. As a result, cabs are scarce 4PM-5PM, and 4AM-5AM. If you need to get to the airport during these times, calling a car service is a good idea. Knowing where cabdrivers want to go at various times of the day can help you find one. In the morning, drivers without a fare head for the Village and uptown to pick up commuters heading for Midtown and Wall Street. Hence if you are standing on the uptown side of Park Ave at 72nd St, for example, you will find more empty cabs (heading uptown) than if you are trying to hail one going downtown (towards midtown). The reverse is true during the afternoon rush hours. If you are in an outer borough, find a green cab or a yellow cab on a major road heading into Manhattan. NYC taxis MUST take you to any destination within the five boroughs. Yellow cab drivers often will not want to go to the outer boroughs (since it is hard to find fares there and they often have to return to Manhattan without one) but they are required to take you by law. If a driver refuses, you can call 311. Use NYC green boro taxis when traveling within the outer boroughs. Be wary of unlicensed cars (known derisively as gypsy cabs) cruising for passengers, especially near the airports. While drivers may claim to offer you a cheaper rate than an actual taxi, your chances of actually getting this rate (not to mention getting to your destination safely and quickly) are less. If you are in doubt, ask an airport staffer for help finding a cab or cabstand. Major airports have taxi information cards for passengers. There are also bizarre van and shuttle services in different parts of the city. You will have to ask where it is going and how much it costs. Usually, you will see people lining up and some mysterious van will appear and they will board. There are services between Chinatown and Queens (you wont have to make any transfers if it goes where you need to go), and also there are separate services in Brooklyn, and Queens. Many of these services are branded as Dollar Vans (actually costing 2), and follow major bus routes along major avenues in these boroughs and will drop you off and pick up at any corner along the avenue. Some are legal while most arent and usually compete with each other for customers and may cut some other van drivers off. This is an accepted practice in these boroughs and at times are faster than MTA buses. Most drivers of these vans have heavy West Indian accent. Some may seem sketchy but for the most part are people just trying to make a living. They are usually are helpful with directions. It is rare that incidents occur with them. In recent years, pedicabs have appeared in New York. The city is in the early stages of licensing and enforcing safety regulations for them. By ferry edit The Staten Island Ferry . runs from Battery Park in southern Manhattan to Staten Island. The ferry carries passengers and bicycles only, runs every 30 minutes during rush hours, and is free (so dont be fooled by con artists trying to sell advance tickets). Not only does the ferry provide a means of transport, but it offers an amazing view of the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor on its way. Even if you dont want to visit Staten Island, taking this trip is highly recommended and is very popular with tourists. Ride on the starboard side of the ferry (right side facing the front) from Manhattan and the port side from Staten Island for the best views (to the west). If you want to take good photographs, try to get on the ferry as soon as the gates open and walk briskly to an open window (few windows are open to the air and will populate quickly). The Manhattan-to-Staten Island route passes slightly closer to the Statue of Liberty than the return route. New York Waterway . operates ferries that connect the city with the New Jersey Hudson River Waterfront, and with points in Brooklyn and Queens. These ferries are not free. Inquire as to fares before boarding. New York Water Taxi runs ferries between points within Manhattan, with some connections to Brooklyn and New Jersey. Their boats are painted to look like taxis. By car edit A word of advice about driving in New York City: dont. A car is inadvisable street parking is practically non-existent near crowded areas and tourist attractions, and garage parking rates range from very expensive to plain extortion. Traffic is almost always congested, parking rules are confusing, and many drivers are aggressive - as you will find out, Manhattan reverberates to the near constant sound of car horns being blown. The public transportation options are many and offer significant advantages and savings over driving a car. Many New Yorkers, particularly in Manhattan, dont own cars for this reason. If you are staying in a suburb and commuting to the city by car, think twice driving to one of the Long Island Railroad, Metro North, or New Jersey Transit stations and taking the train into the city is a better option, and the parking fees at the station, train fare, and MetroCard combined are usually much cheaper than parking downtown. There are often secure parking areas in many stations. In Staten Island, parking near the ferry terminal and using the ferry will save you money and time. If you do choose to drive, get a map, especially if driving outside of Manhattan. Good maps to use, if you are not driving, are the free bus maps which have each street, though the subway map can work in a pinch (also used for small boat navigation). In Queens, numbers identify not only avenues and streets, but also roads, places, crescents, and lanes, all of which might be near each other. Read the entire street sign. Outer borough highways are confusing and often narrowed to one lane, the potholes could trap an elephant, the signs are sometimes misleading, exits which should appear do not, and signs directing a highway approach drag you through miles of colorful neighborhood (in the wrong direction) before finally letting you onto the highway with a stop sign and six inches of merge space. Traffic in New York City roughly follows a hierarchy of precedence, which is unwise to challenge. Fire engines, ambulances, and police cruisers are given priority, followed by other public service vehicles such as buses, road crews, and sanitation trucks. Beneath them are taxi cabs and delivery trucks. Below those are other cars. Note also that driving a car with out-of-state license plates (save for perhaps Connecticut or New Jersey) will instantly mark you as an outsider, sometimes resulting in other drivers being more aggressive around you than they would with a local. Suffice it to say, driving in New York is not for the timid, fearful, or otherwise emotionally fragile. Car rental edit The major car rental agencies have offices throughout the city. Smaller agencies are also well represented. Be warned that car rentals in New York are generally more expensive than elsewhere in the United States, and frequently require a deposit of up to 500, if you do not have a credit card. Insurance rates also tend to be higher in New York than in most other cities. GasPetrol stations edit Gas stations are few and far between, especially in Manhattan, where only a handful exist around the perimeter of the island. Be prepared to up to 0.50 more per gallon than in the surrounding suburbs or New Jersey. Therefore, if you have the option, it is best to fill your car while you arent in NYC, as long as you have enough gas to last Points of entry edit There are several points of entryexit into the city from the New Jersey side: the Lincoln Tunnel (midtown41st Street), the Holland Tunnel (downtownCanal St), and the George Washington Bridge (way uptown178th St) all are accessible from the New Jersey Turnpike (I-95). I-78 east will also feed directly into the Holland Tunnel (US-19 is also a popular route). I-80 east will terminate at an I-95 junction, the north route of which will lead directly to the George Washington Bridge. The bridge is also directly accessible from US-46 east. With all of these options, many commuters choose to listen to 24 hour traffic reports on AM stations 880 (every ten minutes on the 8s) and 1010 (every ten minutes on the 1s) to find the least congested route at that time. Weekend traffic delays can easily exceed 60 minutes at some of the tunnels, so plan accordingly The Midtown Tunnel under the East River is convenient for Long Island travelers, as it becomes the Long Island Expressway. The Queensborough Bridge (aka The 59th Street Bridge) also crosses the East River into Queens, is toll-free, and lands near the mouth of the Midtown Tunnel but requires some automotive manipulation to get onto the Long Island Expressway. Other routes head north and east out of the Bronx, including Interstates 87 (north to Albany) and 95 (northeast to Boston) and the Henry Hudson Parkway, which is along the Hudson River. Toll charges edit Toll charges are Very Expensive for some crossings mostly to New York from New Jersey and to Staten Island from New York. The Port Authority4 has increased the tolls for New YorkNew Jersey crossings to a whopping 13, and its cheaper if the toll is paid by E-ZPass. Eventually, it will increase until 2016 and there was some criticism for how that money was used. The MTA5 is more different. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge cost 15, and most crossings cost 7.50 or less. Be advised that there are traffic delays as well, sometimes lasting up to an hour. On the other hand, many of the crossings (in particular all three Hudson River crossings) are only tolled going into New York City. Rush hour traffic edit Traveling at off-hours makes sense to avoid rush hour traffic, but highways and roads are still generally packed any time of day. The Cross Bronx Expressway, which is part of I-95 and leads to the George Washington Bridge, is almost always choked with traffic. Expect traffic jams at 1-2am. The Long Island Expressway has heavy eastbound traffic between the morning and evening rushes. The Holland and Lincoln Tunnels are 10 minute waits on a good day. The Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE) is notorious, and an accident on the Verazzano Bridge without shoulders can cause a backup all the way through the northern part of Staten Island into New Jersey. It is a good idea to check radio traffic reports, especially before crossing a bridge or tunnel. Three different stations have reports every 10 minutes around the clock: 880 AM (on the 8s), 1010 AM (on the 1s), and 1130 AM (on the 5s). Driving cross-town (east-west) in Manhattan during rush hours is especially troublesome because the traffic lights are optimized to move traffic along the north-south roads. Your best bet is to avoid driving in Midtown Manhattan (between the 30s and 50s) whenever possible. If you do drive in Midtown Manhattan cross-town, posted Midtown Thru Streets 6 may reduce delays. Traveling with a commercial vehicle edit If you are traveling with a commercial vehicle, such as a moving truck, remember that commercial traffic is prohibited on many roadways throughout the city. Commercial traffic is permitted only on multiple-lane roadways designated as expressways (such as the Long Island Expressway, Cross-Bronx Expressway, or Brooklyn-Queens Expressway) and the surface streets unless marked otherwise. Commercial traffic is prohibited on all multiple-lane roadways designated as parkways (such as the Grand Central Parkway, Cross-Island Parkway, or Henry Hudson Parkway) with frequent low bridges. 7 Unfortunately, the majority of fast-moving roadways are designated as parkways in New York City. Commercial traffic is also prohibited on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Drive in Manhattan. The only viable option for traveling with a commercial vehicle in Manhattan is the surface streets, but always look out for low vertical clearance. Commercial vehicles have exclusive metered parking in Midtown Manhattan and are prohibited from parking overnight on any city street. Garage Parking edit Parking in garages or outdoor lots is usually very expensive, costing as much as 40 per day in Manhattan, although cheap or free lot parking is available at some times at certain locations. Street parking can be free or much cheaper than garage or lot parking, but can be extremely hard to come by. In Manhattan, self-park (or park-and-lock) is extremely rare. The overwhelming majority of parking facilities in Manhattan have mandatory valet parking, so you must set aside a few dollars for tips, and anticipate the time it will take for a valet to retrieve your vehicle. Self-park garages in Manhattan conveniently located near major tourist attractions include the Battery Parking Garage in Lower Manhattan, Manhattan Plaza Parking in Midtown Manhattan, and the public parking garage underneath the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In the case of parallel parking on the street, bumping cars in front of and behind of you to get into and out of a parking spot (known to some as Braille Parking) is common. If you choose to park on the street, dont be surprised if you find a few new scratches and scrapes on your bumper. As a general rule, hotels in New York do not supply garage parking. The few that do will charge you handsomely for the privilege. SpotHero is a free website and app (iOS amp Android) that helps drivers find, book and reserve discount parking with convenient garages, lots amp valets around New York City. ParkWhiz is a free site and mobile app that allow users to book the perfect parking spot. Simply enter your destination to search parking by location, price, amenities and garage reviews. You can book daily and monthly parking as well as parking for sports, theaters and concerts throughout New York. DiscountNYCParking is a website full of tips about parking in New York City. BestParking is a free service that allows users to search and compare all daily and monthly rates and locations for parking facilities in Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn. Users can book free parking Reservations and Rate Guarantees at over 20 of Manhattans parking garages (including Icon Parking Systems and Edison ParkFast). The websites instant rate comparison clearly displays the rates on a Google map and the interface is extremely user-friendly. Regular rates, early bird specials, weekend specials, night Specials, SUVoversizeluxury vehicle rates, motorcycle rates, and all additional posted charges are included in the instant rate comparison. Parkopedia is a free site that allows users to find on-street and off-street parking in all New York boroughs. Users can type in an address, intersection, or zip code and will get the regulations for that area. The parking regulations display on a Google map and the interface is easy to use. Note that Parkopedia will only tell you how long you can stay in a parking spot in any particular zone theres no guarantee that there will actually be an empty spot waiting for you when you arrive. IconParking is a service where you can book your parking time (if you know it) by the block, date, time, and even choose which garage. One traveler says, Ive gone into garages that have initially said theyre full up and then I said I booked it online and they shrugged and honored it. When you book online with this company, print a confirmation and take it with you. Most times the attendantsvalets will assume you know what youre talking about, but sometimes they want to see the printed confirmation. Also, when you pay, they may feign ignorance as to the price you were quoted online. This is another reason to print out the reservation. Using this service, it is possible to pay 10 on a weekday for 8 hours of parking 10AM-6PM on John St in the Financial District. If initially the valet says they dont have to honor that rate, be persistent and you should get it. ParkFast . This site is for Edison Parkfast, the ownermanager of 40 parking locations around the city. The site isnt as feature-rich and you cant pick your hours or dates, but at least they have some basic rates and locations. NYC Parking Authority posts detailed guides to parking in popular neighborhoods, during seasonal events, and at airports throughout New York City, as well as tips to avoid expensive tickets plus, links to mobile apps and websites for finding and reserving parking. Parking Panda is a free website and mobile app that allows drivers to compare prices, view real-time parking availability, and reserve parking in advance. Just enter where you are going on the siteapp, and you can purchase daily, event, and monthly parking for just about any location you search for throughout the city. Street Parking - Rules and penalties for violation edit Check all parking signs carefully. Parking meters demand constant feeding, and are hungry late into the night in some areas. All are pay-and-display meters which accept coins and credit cards. Meters are for 1-2-3 hour duration and in effect from morning to night except on Sunday. If a meter is broken, you must walk to a working meter and purchase a receipt. Most of Midtown Manhattan is metered parking for trucks only. nyc. govhtmldothtmlfaqsfaqstraffic. shtml Parking is illegal at ALL bus stops and within 15 feet (4.5 m) of fire hydrants. Yellow lines on the curb have no legal meaning in NYC, so they cannot be relied upon to tell you if you are parked far enough from a hydrant. That said, in most areas the seams in the sidewalk are roughly five feet apart, so leaving at least three squares of sidewalk between the hydrant and your bumper is a smart move. Many motorists simply pay garage fees to avoid the anxiety of finding a parking spot and the risks of expensive parking tickets. New York has street cleaning parking rules 8. which may require drivers to move their cars at different times of the day (such as early morning, or overnight in a few business districts) so that street sweepers can clean the roads. Street cleaning rules are suspended on many obscure holidays, while parking meters and other hourly restrictions are only suspended on a few major holidays (not even on all Federal holidays). Trying to leave a car parked illegally for very long will often end with a 150 fine, and a vehicle illegally parked in an overcrowded place is very likely to be towed away and face a 300 fine. The New York Police Department operates the tow pounds 9 . Important Rules While Driving edit The citywide speed limit is 25mph. Unlike other places in the United States, New York City is a citywide No-Turn-On-Red zone.10 Be careful when driving as some (but not all) entrances to New York City have signs alerting motorists that it is illegal to turn on red signal in NYC, and other drivers from out of town may not know this rule. As in the rest of New York State, talking on a cell-phone (without a hands-free device) or texting while driving is illegal. Even if you do have a hands-free device, minimize your talking and prioritize driving. There are red light cameras at 100 various intersections in New York City. 11. A camera will take a picture if you run a red light and a fine disputable on the web will be issued in 30 days.12 However, since the camera does not identify who is driving the vehicle, no points will be issued against your drivers license. Some bus lanes have video cameras.13 A camera will take a video if you drive illegally in the bus lane other than to turn right and a fine disputable on the web will be issued in 30 days.14 There are 20 to 40 speed limit cameras in the city located near schools. If there is an emergency vehicle trying to get through with its siren blaring, pull over to the side and move forward as necessary. Some avenues and many streets have only one-way traffic. Thankfully, one-way streets generally alternate direction, so if your destination is down a one-way street going in the wrong direction, go another block and double-back. A handy mnemonic is Evens go East, meaning that, for the most part, streets with even numbers will head east, and vice-versa (in Manhattan). The best gauge to determine a one way streets direction is to check the direction parked cars face. Be wary of your surroundings when you park your car. While NYC is a safe city for its size, its not necessarily safe for your car as well. Make it as unworthy to steal as possible. By bicycle edit New Yorkers have been using bikes more and more over recent years. The city is equipped with bike lanes in some places, of which you can find a map here . You can check the official NYC recommendations for cyclists here . Citi Bike . launched in 2013, is now the countrys largest bike sharing program. It now counts with more than 600 stations . See edit add listing Like most of the great world cities, New York has an abundance of great attractions - so many, that it would be impossible to list them all here. What follows is but a sampling of the most high-profile attractions in New York City more detailed info can be found in the district pages. Many tourist attractions in New York City offer free or discounted admission on certain days, eg Museum of Modern Arts Free Friday, or Museums on Us program by Bank of America. A number of multi-attraction schemes give reduced prices and line-skipping privileges: Explorer Pass allows you to choose 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10 top attractions to visit. Cardholders have 30 days to use the card after visiting the first attraction. Attractions to choose from include Top of the Rock Observation, Rockefeller Center Tour, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, movie tours, cruises, and more. Also included with the card are shopping, dining, and additional attraction discounts. New York CityPASS grants admission to 6 New York attractions within 9 days of first use for a much reduced rate. The attractions are Empire State Building Metropolitan Museum of Art and same-day admission to The Cloisters American Museum of Natural History Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Option Ticket One with choice of either Top of the Rock Observation Deck or Guggenheim Museum Option Ticket Two with choice of either a Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise or Statue of Liberty amp Ellis Island. 106 adult, 79 youth aged 617. New York Pass . 15. Grants access to over 50 top attractions with line skipping privileges. Passes are available for 1 day (80 adult, 60 child), 2 days (130 adult, 110 child), 3 days (140 adult, 120 child) or 7 days (180 adult, 140 child). Remember, you must obtain a ticket in each attraction. You can visit as many attractions as you want in the time period - the more attractions you visit, the more you save. Also includes a free 140 page guide book, but is much better to organize your visits previously, via internet. See also the district pages for detailed information about attractions. Detail is gradually being moved from this page to the district pages. OnBoard New York Tours ( NYC Tours ), 1650 Broadway ( 50th amp 7th Avenue ), 212-852-4821. 16. Sightseeing Bus and Walking Tours of New York City. Varies. 160edit Zip Aviation Helicopter Tours. Pier 6, East River ( Downtown R Train, Whitehall Stop ), 866ZIPOVER. 17. 9A-7P. Zip Aviation offers three different helicopter tours of New York City and operates out of the Downtown Manhattan Heliport on Pier 6, East River side. 145. 160edit City Sightseeing New York. 455 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10018. (212) 445-7599. 18. 9A-7P. City Sightseeing New York provides hop on, hop off boat tours on New York City harbor. 160edit CitySights NY. 234 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. (212) 812-2700. 19. 9A-7P. CitySights NY operates hop on, hop off bus tours in New York City. Our fleet of double decker top seating buses will provide you with the best view of skylines in NYC. 160edit NYC Insider Guide. 20. Independent guide to monthly events, attractions, tours, free things to do and see, activities, kids and more. 160edit Lokafy. 1-800-943-9145. 21. Lokafy connects you with a local who is passionate about exploring the hidden gems in New York City. Its just like having a friend show you around the city. 15 an hour per person. 160edit Landmarks edit Statue of Liberty Naturally, Manhattan possesses the lions share of the landmarks that have saturated American popular culture. Starting in Lower Manhattan. perhaps the most famous of these landmarks is easy to spot - the Statue of Liberty . a symbol of the nation standing atop a small island in the harbor, and perhaps also the most difficult attraction to access in terms of crowds and the long lines to see it. Nearby Ellis Island preserves the site where millions of immigrants completed their journey to America. Within Lower Manhattan itself, Wall Street acts as the heart of big business being the home of the New York Stock Exchange . although the narrow street also holds some historical attractions, namely Federal Hall . where George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States. Nearby, the National September 11 Memorial at the World Trade Center Site commemorates the victims of that fateful day. The 1776 foot tall One World Trade Center is the spiritual successor to the fallen Twin Towers and is now the tallest skyscraper in both New York and the United States. Connecting Lower Manhattan to Downtown Brooklyn. the Brooklyn Bridge offers fantastic views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skylines. Moving north to Midtown. Manhattans other major business district, youll find some of New Yorks most famous landmarks. The Empire State Building looms over it all as the second-tallest building in the city, with the nearby Chrysler Building also dominating the landscape. Nearby is the headquarters of United Nations overlooking the East River and Grand Central Terminal . one of the busiest train stations in the world. Also nearby is the main branch of the New York Public Library . a beautiful building famous for its magnificent reading rooms and the lion statues outside the front door and Rockefeller Plaza . home to NBC Studios, Radio City Music Hall, and (during the winter) the famous Christmas Tree and Skating Rink. Still in the Midtown area but just to the west, in the Theater District. is the tourist center of New York: Times Square . filled with bright, flashing video screens and LED signs running 24 hours a day. Just to the north is Central Park . with its lawns, trees and lakes popular for recreation and concerts. Museums and galleries edit New York has some of the finest museums in the world. All the public museums (notably including the Metropolitan Museum), which are run by the city, accept donations for an entrance fee, but private museums (especially the Museum of Modern Art) can be very expensive. In addition to the major museums, hundreds of small galleries are spread throughout the city, notably in neighborhoods like Chelsea and Williamsburg. Many galleries and museums in New York close on Mondays, so be sure to check hours before visiting. The following is just a list of highlights see district pages for more listings. Arts and culture edit New York City is home to some of the finest art museums in the country, and in Manhattan. youll find the grandest of them all. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park has vast holdings that represent a series of collections, each of which ranks in its category among the finest in the world. Within this single building youll find perhaps the worlds finest collection of American artwork, period rooms, thousands of European paintings including Rembrandts and Vermeers, the greatest collection of Egyptian art outside Cairo, one of the worlds finest Islamic art collections, Asian art, European sculpture, medieval and Renaissance art, antiquities from around the ancient world, and much, much more. As if all that wasnt enough, the Metropolitan also operates The Cloisters . located in Fort Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan. houses a collection of medieval art and incorporates elements from five medieval French cloisters and other monastic sites in southern France in its renowned gardens. Near the Metropolitan, in the Upper East Side. is the Guggenheim Museum . Although more famed for its architecture than the collection it hosts, the spiraling galleries are ideal for exhibiting art works. Also nearby is the Whitney Museum of American Art . with a collection of contemporary American art. In Midtown. the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), holds the most comprehensive collection of modern art in the world, and is so large as to require multiple visits to see all of the works on display, which include Van Goghs Starry Night and Picassos Les Demoiselles dAvignon, as well as an extensive industrial design collection. Midtown is also home to the Paley Center for Media . a museum dedicated to television and radio, including a massive database of old shows. Unknown to some Harlem. previously known as the black mecca of the Americas, is the home of important landmarks of New York City such as the Apollo Theater and 125th . You will also find the Studio Museum and contemporary art galleries such as Tatiana Pags Gallery . In Brooklyn s Prospect Park. the Brooklyn Museum of Art is the citys second largest art museum with excellent collections of Egyptian art, Assyrian reliefs, 19th-century American art, and art from Africa and Oceania, among other things. Long Island City in Queens is home to a number of art museums, including the PS1 Contemporary Art Center . an affiliate of the Museum of Modern Art, and the Museum of the Moving Image . which showcases movies and the televisual arts. Science and technology edit In New York City, no museum holds a sway over children like the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattans Upper West Side. Containing the Hayden Planetarium, incredible astronomy exhibits, animal dioramas, many rare and beautiful gems and mineral specimens, anthropology halls, and one of the largest collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world, this place offers plenty of stunning sights. Near Times Square in the Theater District. the Intrepid Sea, Air amp Space Museum takes up a pier on the Hudson River, with the aircraft carrier Intrepid docked here and holding some incredible air and space craft. Over in the Flushing district of Queens, on the grounds of the former Worlds Fair, is the New York Hall of Science . which incorporates the Great Hall of the fair and now full of hands-on exhibits for kids to enjoy. Another standout museum is the Transit Museum located in an abandoned station in Downtown Brooklyn. The old subway cars are a real treat and the museum is a must if youre in New York with kids (and well-worth it even if youre not). Neighborhoods edit Like all great cities, New York is made up of distinct neighborhoods, each of which has its own flavor. Many of the neighborhoods are popular with visitors, and all are best experienced on foot. See individual borough pages (Manhattan. Brooklyn. Queens. Bronx. and Staten Island ) for a comprehensive listing of neighborhoods. Parks edit Though the image many people have of Manhattan is endless skyscrapers and packed sidewalks, the city also boasts numerous lovely parks, ranging from small squares to the 850-acre Central Park . and there are worthwhile parks in every borough. From the views of the New Jersey Palisades from Fort Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan, to the grand Pelham Bay Park in The Bronx, and the famous Flushing Meadow Park in Corona, Queens, site of the U. S. Open Tennis Tournament, there is more than enough to keep any visitor busy. And almost any park is a great spot to rest, read, or just relax and watch the people streaming past. To find out more about New York City parks, look at the New York City Department of Parks amp Recreation website and the WikiTravel pages for each borough. Note that except for special events, all NYC parks are closed 1AM6AM. Also, as a reminder to youngsters, it is illegal to climb trees in the park in New York City. Do edit add listing A general word of advice on sightseeing in New York: Tourists often spend their entire vacation in New York standing in line (or as New Yorkers say, standing on line). This is often unnecessary there are usually alternatives. For example, one can choose to avoid the Empire State Building during the day (it is open, and empty, late, until midnight or 2AM on weekends during summer), skip the Statue of Liberty in favor of the Staten Island Ferry, and stay away from the Guggenheim on Monday (it is one of the only museums open that day). Also, there is no reason to stand in line for a Broadway show if you already have a ticket with an assigned seat. If you prefer, get a drink nearby and come back closer to curtain time, when you can walk right in. The lines for bus tours can be absurd because tourists all seem to have the exact same itinerary - which is get on a bus in the morning in Times Square, get off for the Statue of Liberty, and finish on the East Side in the afternoon. Why not go downtown in the morning, and save Midtown for the afternoon You will thank yourself for avoiding the crowds. Also, understand that buses are the slowest way to go crosstown in Midtown Manhattan during peak hours, and taxis are not much better. You are often better off either on foot or taking the subway. Entertainment edit Theater and Performing Arts edit New Yorks Broadway is famous for its many shows, especially musicals. You might want to visit TKTS online. which offers tickets for shows the same night at discounted prices, usually 50 off or visit BroadwayBox or NYTix. both community sites posting all recent Broadway discounts. TKTS has two offices, one at Times Square with lines often hours long, and a much faster one (sometimes minutes) at South Street Seaport (Corner of John St, just south of Brooklyn Bridge). Only cash is accepted at South Street. Show up at opening time for best selection. Tickets to most Broadway shows are also available from the Broadway Concierge and Ticket Center. inside the Times Square Visitor Center. They offer restaurant and hotel recommendations, parking help, and other services in addition to ticket sales, available in several languages. New York boasts an enormous number and variety of theatrical performances. These shows usually fall into one of three categories: Broadway, Off-Broadway, or Off-Off-Broadway. Broadway refers to the shows near Times Square that usually play to theaters of 500 seats or more. These include the major musicals and big-name dramatic works, and are the most popular with visitors. Tickets for Broadway shows can run to 130 a seat, though discounters like TKTS (above) make cheaper seats available. Off-Broadway indicates performances that are smaller (less than 500 seats) and usually of a certain intellectual seriousness. Some of these theaters are located around Times Square in addition to different locations throughout Manhattan. Tickets to Off-Broadway shows tend to range from 2550. Off-Off-Broadway refers to those shows that play to very small audiences (less than 100 seats) with actors working without equity. These can be dirt cheap and often very good, but some may be sufficiently avant-garde as to turn off conservative playgoers. Off-Off-Broadway Theaters worth checking out are Rising Sun Performance Company. Endtimes Productions. and The Peoples Improv Theater. For current and upcoming Broadway and Off-Broadway info and listings, visit Playbill. This site also has lots of articles on whats going on in the NY commercial theater scene. Broadway 22 and Newyorkcitytheatre 23 also has plenty of info, as well as some videos and photos. Theatermania 24 has many discounts to the bigger shows, and also provides listings for the Off-Off scene. If visiting in the summer, brave the huge lines and attempt to get tickets to the Public Theaters 25 annual Shakespeare in the Park, which often features big-time stars of stage and screen. Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Natalie Portman, and Liev Schrieber are just a few of the actors to have appeared here in recent years. Oh, and its free. Just get to one of the box offices ridiculously early, especially the one at the Park. Its possible to purchase tickets to The Tony Awards, Broadways biggest award ceremony and the culmination of the theatrical season in the city. These arent cheap, but if youre into the theater scene and know something about the various performers being honored, it can be an exciting night. In any case, the performances are always fun, and you can catch moments that arent in the broadcast. Always the first or second Sunday night in June, visit The Tony Awards website 26 for the most current details. New York has a wide variety of musical and dance companies, including several that are among the worlds most renowned. There are also numerous small companies putting on more idiosyncratic shows every night of the week. The following are just a few of New Yorks most high-profile music and dance options. Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn. Home to the impressive Brooklyn Philharmonic, BAM is one of the best places in the country to attend cutting-edge new musical and dance performances. The Next Wave Festival every autumn is a much-anticipated event of the New York performance scene. Carnegie Hall . 881 Seventh Avenue. The premier venue for classical music in the United States, Carnegie Hall is famous around the world for its dazzling performances. Playing at Carnegie Hall is, for many classical musicians, the epitome of success. Carnegie Hall houses three different auditoriums, with the Isaac Stern auditorium being the largest venue. Subway: N, Q, or R to 57th Street-7th Avenue. Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center . at Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center, 155 W 65th St (at Broadway). The Chamber Music Society is the most prestigious chamber music ensemble in the United States, playing in the acoustically impeccable Alice Tully Hall. Metropolitan Opera at Metropolitan Opera House in Lincoln Center, 155 W 65th St (at Broadway). The Met (as it is known) is one of the greatest opera companies in the world. The company performs six days a week (Monday-Saturday) during the season (Sep-Apr), and always lands the greatest singers from around the globe. Expect to pay a small fortune for the most expensive seats, but upper-tier seats can cost as little as 25. Subway: 1 to 66th Street-Lincoln Center New York City Ballet at New York State Theater in Lincoln Center, 155 W 65th St (at Broadway). Founded by George Balanchine, the New York City Ballet is among the worlds best dance companies. Their performances of the The Nutcracker . during the holiday season, are enormously popular. New York Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center, 155 W 65th St (at Broadway). One of the premier orchestras in the United States, playing a wide variety of concerts (more than 100) every year to sold-out crowds, the Philharmonic is well-known for its standard-setting performances of the classical canon. The season runs from September to June, and in the summer they play free concerts in parks around the city 27 . Radio City Music Hall . 1260 Avenue of the Americas, 1-212-632-3975, 28. See the Rockettes, another show or just tour the famous Art Deco masterpiece. Film edit New York is one of the worlds greatest film cities, home to a huge number of theaters playing independent and repertory programs. Many major US studio releases open earlier in New York than elsewhere (especially in the autumn) and can be found at the major cineplexes (AMC, United Artists, etc.) around the city. Be advised that, as with everything else in New York, movies are quite popular, and even relatively obscure films at unappealing times of the day can still be sold out. Its best to get tickets in advance whenever possible. As many films premiere in New York, you can often catch a moderated discussion with the director or cast after the show. Sometimes even repertory films will have post-screening discussions or parties. Check listings for details. In addition to the more than 15 commercial multiplexes located throughout the city, some of the more intriguing New York film options include: Film Forum 209 W Houston St. A stylish theater in Greenwich Village that runs two programscontemporary independent releases and classic repertory films. While the current releases are almost always interesting and worth seeing, its the repertory programming schedule that filmlovers anticipate eagerly. American Museum of the Moving Image 35th Ave and 36th St, Queens. AMMI contains a museum devoted to, literally, moving images, so visitors will find exhibits on zoetropes and video games in addition to film and television. They also put on a terrific screening program, with films showing continuously throughout the day. Angelika Film Center 18 W Houston St at Broadway, 1-212-995-2000, 29. Just down the street from Film Forum, the Angelika plays new independent and foreign films, many of which are only screened in New York. The cafe upstairs is something of a hotspot as well. Subway: N or R to Prince Street. Anthology Film Archives . 32 Second Ave (at E 2nd St), 30. A varied program of unique films, both repertory and new, most playing for only one or two screenings. Many of the films shown here cant be seen anywhere else (for better or worse). It also plays host to several film festivals yearly. Subway: F to 2nd Avenue-Lower East Side Cinema Village On 22 E 12th St between University Place and Fifth Ave, 1-212-629-5097, 31 Cinema Village specializes in showing documentaries, independent and foreign films. Often the films there will not be playing anywhere else in the country and QampAs with directors are common at opening weekends. Film Society at Lincoln Center Walter Reade Theater at Lincoln Center, 155 W 65th St (at Broadway), 32. The Film Society always puts on a terrific repertory program and shows a wide variety of experimental and foreign films. In addition, numerous talks and panels are held here, many featuring bold-named directors, screenwriters, and actors. MoMA 11 West 53rd Street. In addition to being the crown jewel of modern art museums, MoMA puts on a terrific repertory program in a nicely renovated theater below the museum. And compared to other New York movie theaters, tickets to films at MoMA are a steal. New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center. Running in October, the New York Film Festival is one of the countrys best, with great films from around the world accompanied by interesting discussions, lectures, and panels. Be advised that tickets usually sell out at least a month in advance. Tribeca Film Festival . Throughout May the movie theaters of Lower Manhattan are taken over by the Tribeca Film Festival, which puts on a truly enormous amount of screenings and talks. Just a few years old, the Tribeca Film Festival has already secured a prominent place in New Yorks film calendar. Parades edit New York City hosts many parades, street festivals and outdoor pageants. These are some of the most famous: New Yorks Village Halloween Parade . Each Halloween (31 Oct) at 7PM. This parade and street pageant attracts 2 million spectators and 50,000 costumed participants along Sixth Ave between Spring St and 21st St. Anyone in a costume is welcome to march those wishing to, should show up 6PM-9PM at Spring St and 6th Ave. Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade . The morning of each Thanksgiving on Central Park W, this parade attracts many spectators and is broadcast on nationwide television. Saint Patricks Day Parade . The largest St. Paddys parade in the world Route is up 5th Ave from 44th St to 86th St and lasts from 11AM to about 2:30PM. Celebrations in pubs citywide happen the rest of the day and night until the green beer runs out. Labor Day (also known as West Indian Day Parade or New York Caribbean Carnival) . An annual celebration held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Its main event is the West Indian-American Day Parade, which attracts between one and three million spectators, thus taking in more foot traffic in one day than the entirety of Torontos Caribana festival. The spectators watch the parade on its route along Eastern Parkway. The large parade is held on American Labor Day, the first Monday in September. Buy edit add listing New York is arguably the fashion capital of the United States, and is a major shopping destination for people around the world. The city boasts an unmatched range of department stores, boutiques, and specialty shops. Some neighborhoods boast more shopping options than most other American cities and have become famous as consumer destinations. Anything you could possibly want to buy can be found in New York, including clothing, cameras, computers and accessories, music, musical instruments, electronic equipment, art supplies, sporting goods, and all kinds of foodstuffs and kitchen appliances. See the borough pages and district sub-pages for listings of some of the more important stores and major business districts, of which there are several. Buying art edit Anyone can freely create, display, and sell art, including paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures, DVDs, and CDs, based on freedom of speech rights. Thousands of artists earn their livings on NYC streets and in parks. Common places to find street artists selling their work are SoHo in Lower Manhattan and near the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 81st Street. Outlets edit New York City has a number of retail outlet locations, offering substantial discounts and the opportunity to purchase ends-of-line and factory seconds. Century 21 in Manhattan is one of the largest stores where New Yorkers get designer clothing for less. Convenience stores edit Basic food, drinks, snacks, medicine, and toiletries can be found at decent prices at the ubiquitous Duane Reade 33. CVS . and Rite Aid stores. For a more authentically New York experience, stop by one of the thousands of bodegasdelisgroceries. Although sometimes dirty-looking in apparent need of repair, you can purchase groceries, water, inexpensive flowers, coffee, and cooked food -- typically 247. Shopping in airports edit Most shops in NYC airports are chain outlets, the same as can be found in most of large airports in the world--so its pretty difficult to feel the spirit of the fashion capital if you only have 2 hours waiting for a connecting flight. At JFK airport, JetBlue Airways new terminal 5 is populated with modern, cutting-edge restaurants and shops, but terminals 4 and 8 are also a good place for retail and duty free shopping. From Newark, the best shopping can be found in United Airlines main hub in Terminal C which has a massive selection of restaurants and shops with the offering from Terminal B being pretty poor in comparison (although the Port Authority is making improvements as of 2012), and almost non-existent from the domestic Terminal A. Street Vendors edit In New York City it is common for street vendors to set up tables on the sidewalk, close to the curb, and sell items. They are required to obtain a permit to perform this activity, but it is legal. Purchasing from these vendors is generally legitimate, although buying brand name goods from these vendors (particularly expensive clothing and movies) is ill advised as the products being sold may be cheap imitation products. It is considered safe to buy less expensive goods from these vendors, but most will not accept payment by credit card, so you will have to bring money. Be particularly wary of any street vendor that does not sell from a table (especially vendors who approach you with their merchandise in a briefcase) as these goods are almost certainly cheap imitation products. Eat edit add listing New York has, as you might expect of the Big Apple, all the eating options covered and you can find almost every type of food available and every cuisine of the world represented. There are tens of thousands of restaurants to suit all tastes and budgets, ranging from dingy 0.99-a-slice pizza joints to 500-a-plate prix fixe sushi and exclusive Michelin-starred eateries. Thousands of delis, bodegas, and grocery stores dot every corner of the city and DIY meals are easy and cheap to find. Street food comes in various tastes, ranging from the ubiquitous New York hot dog vendors to the many carts with Middle Eastern cuisine on street corners in mid-town. However in mid-town be wary of restaurants and bars both immediately on and around Times Square, or near the Empire State Building - many are tourist traps cashing in on travelers gullibility and lack of local knowledge. New Yorkers wouldnt dream of eating out in such places you shouldnt either It pays to be adventurous therefore and reach out into the individual neighborhoods for a true authentic NYC dining experience Fruit stalls appear at many intersections from Spring to Fall with ready to eat strawberries, bananas, apples, etc available at very low cost. Vegetarians will find New York to be a paradise with hundreds of vegetarian-only restaurants and good veggie options in even the most expensive places. Delis amp Street Food edit The New York Bagel . There is no bagel like the New York Bagel anywhere else in the world. Bagels, which are a doughnut-shaped round of boiled dough with a distinctive, chewy, sweet interior and a leathery outer crust, arrived from the old world with Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe and have become utterly New York in character. You can get bagels anywhere in the city but, for the best bagels you may have to trek away from the main tourist sites. HampH Bagels at W 46th St. and 12th Av. is very popular and expensive, but many bagel connoisseurs consider Absolute Bagels at Broadway and 107th street to be the most traditional and best. Ess-a-Bagel on 21st and 1st Av. and 3rd Av. between 51st and 52nd Sts. also has a strong following. For anyone out there wanting to try a REAL bagel, you need to go to Brooklyn. One good spot is the Bagel Hole (see Prospect Park (7th Avenue of the F or G) or try looking in Midwood (Avenue J on the Q subway line). For the best bagels, go early when they are warm and straight from the oven. Theres also a little-known cousin to the bagel, the bialy, which is like a bagel but the hole does not go all the way through. Kossars Bialys on Grand Street at Essex is an ancient Lower East Side institution. The New York Hot Dog . Vendors all over the city sell hot dogs - affectionately called dirty water dogs by the locals - from pushcarts on city sidewalks and in parks. Choose your toppings from mustard, ketchup, and relish (or just ask for everything), wrap the dog in a paper napkin, and walk along the sidewalk trying not to let the toppings slip and slide all over your hands. Also recommended is Papaya King (several locations),34 known for their inexpensive meals (3.25 for a dog and a drink) and their blended tropical fruit drinks and smoothies. Or, take the Subway to C oney Island (D, F, N, Q trains, Coney Island - Stillwell Ave. stop) for the famous Nathans hot dog (1310 Surf Ave). The New York Deli Sandwich . Another delicacy brought over by Jewish Immigrants, you must try either a corned beef or pastrami sandwich (a Reuben is always a good choice). There are some better known delis in the city, but the most famous one is Katzs Deli at Houston and Ludlow Streets. They have been around since 1888, and still pack them in day and night. The New York Pizza . A peculiarly New York thing, you can buy pizza, with a variety of toppings, by the slice from almost every pizzeria in the city. A New York pizza has a thin crust (sometimes chewy, sometimes crisp), plenty of cheese, and an artery-hardening sheen of grease on top. Buy a slice, fold in half lengthwise, and enjoy. If you just want a piece of plain cheese pizza, ask for a slice. Or pick up one with pepperoni -- the quintessential meal on the go in New York. The New York Cheesecake . Made famous by Lindys and Juniors deli in New York, it relies upon heavy cream, cream cheese, eggs and egg yolks to add a richness and a smooth consistency. Now available throughout the city, but to get the original, go to Juniors, just off the Manhattan Bridge in Downtown Brooklyn (see Downtown Brooklyn ) (B, Q, or R to DeKalb Ave) The New York Egg Cream . Also often referred to as a Chocolate Egg Cream. A blend of chocolate syrup, milk, and seltzer water. One of the best is found at Katzs Delicatessen. Though not often on the menu at many diners, if you ask for one they will still prepare it for you at most locations. The New York Falafel and Gyro . You can find gyro vendors scattered throughout the city. However, a quick stop into the famous Mamouns locations will get you one of the best classic shawarma sandwich in the city (St. Marks Place and MacDougal St). Dont forget to try out their hot sauce and to bring cash 35 If youre in the Upper East Side and looking for a gyro that has recognizable meat, check out Amali Restaurant on E60th between Lex and Park St, primarily a fine dining Mediterranean restaurant, the restaurant has an outdoor grill where they make chicken and pork gyros with organic meat from Upstate New York and even stuff some tasty fries into their sandwich. 36 Restaurants edit Maybe its the size of New Yorkers tiny kitchens, or perhaps its the enormous melting-pot immigrant populations, but either way, this city excels at every kind of restaurant. There are fancy famous-chef restaurants, all ethnic cuisines and fusionupdates of ethnic cuisines (second-generation immigrants tweaking their family tradition), plus all the fashionable spots, casual bistros, lounges for drinking and noshing and more. Credit cards edit While most restaurants accept credit cards, some smaller restaurants, particularly in Chinatown and Williamsburg, do not. Others have required minimum purchase amounts for creditdebit purchases. Most establishments will prominently display this requirement, so keep your eyes open if you typically pay for meals with plastic. Tipping edit As in the rest of the United States, tipping is expected in New York restaurants. New Yorkers often calculate the base tip by doubling the tax. For more information, see Tipping in the United States. Dress Codes edit Restaurants with meal courses under 20 are unlikely to have any preference about what their customers wear. Of course, like most major cities, New York has some expensive, extremely fashionable restaurants that care about, and enforce, a certain level of dress among their customers - but jackets only restaurants are very uncommon nowadays. If youre from elsewhere in the US and wish to pass as a local within Manhattan, pay attention to your shoes and coat. Most local exclusiveness is pretty understated, but where it exists its generally from nightlife commuters from New Jersey and Long Island that supposedly threaten to rob bar-filled neighborhoods of their local color. Therefore, if your style doesnt fit in but is obviously from outside the US, you may find yourself as welcomed as graciously as any local, if not more so. Vegetarians edit New York is a friendly place for vegetarians and vegans. There are many vegetarian only restaurants with offerings varying from macrobiotic food to Ayurvedic thalis or Asian Buddhist food. But, more importantly, almost every restaurant at every point on the price scale has vegetarian dishes that are more than an afterthought. Even Per Se . one of the most expensive and sought after restaurants in the city, has a seven course vegetarian tasting menu well worth the expense. DIY vegetarians will have no problem finding fresh vegetables, a wide variety of cheese, bread and prepared vegetarian foods in New York supermarkets. Street Food edit Nothing differentiates New York more from other American cities than the astonishing amount of food cooked and served on the streets. Starting with the thousands of hot dog stands on almost every street corner (try Hallo Berlin on 54th and Fifth for the best rated sausages), the possibilities are endless. People trek to Jackson Heights in Queens for a nibble of the famous arepas of the Arepa Lady . Freshly cooked Indian dosas are served up for a pittance at the NY Dosas stand in Washington Square Park. The TrinidadianPakistani Trinipak cart on 43rd and Sixth. Danny Meyer, the famous restaurateur, has a burger stand (Shake Shack) in Madison Square Park as well as a new location on the upper west side. The halal offerings in midtown are legendary ( Kwik-Meal on 45th and Sixth Chicken GuyHalal Chicken on 53rd and Sixth and many others). Most carts serve lunch (from about eleven in the morning to five or six in the evening) and disappear after dark, so look for a cart near you, smell whats cooking, and enjoy a hot and often tasty lunch for a few dollars (a meal costs anywhere from about 2-8). Mornings, from about 6AM-10AM, the streets are dotted with coffee carts that sell coffee, croissants, bagels, and danish pastries and are good for a cheap breakfast: small coffee and bagel for a dollar or so. From 10AM to 7PM many vendors sell lunch and dinner choices, including hot dogs, hamburgers, gyros, and halal. Other street vendors sell italian ices . pretzels . ice cream . and roasted peanuts . Also, look around for the coffee truck (often found in Union Square), dessert truck, as well as Belgian waffle truck that roam around the city. Do It Yourself edit New Yorks many markets and grocery stores make preparing your own food interesting and easy. Almost every grocery store, deli, or bodega has a prepared foods section where you can make your own salad (beware, you are charged by the pound) or buy ready to eat foods such as burritos, tacos, curries and rice, lasagna, pastas, pre-prepared or freshly-made sandwiches, and many other types of foods. Whole Foods has five New York City locations, all with a variety of foods, and a clean place to sit and eat but any supermarket will have enough to take away to the park or your hotel room for a low cost meal. If you have a place to cook, youll find almost any kind of food in New York though you may have to travel to the outer boroughs for ethnic ingredients. Most supermarkets have Thai, Chinese, and Indian sauces to add flavor to your pot, and many, especially in upper Manhattan, have the ingredients necessary for a Mexican or Central American meal, but go to Chinatown for the best Chinese ingredients, Little India in Murray Hill for Indian ingredients, Flushing for all things Chinese or Korean, Jackson Heights for Peruvian, Ecuadorian, and Indian, Flatbush and Crown Heights for Jamaican, Williamsburg for Kosher, Greenpoint for Polish, or Brighton Beach for Russian amp Eastern European. Ask around for where you can get your favorite ethnic ingredients and youll find traveling around in local neighborhoods a rewarding experience. There is also a Trader Joes at Union Square for cheap but delicious supermarket buys. Western Beef Supermarkets offer more foods from different ethnicities than average supermarkets. Drink edit add listing The only thing about New York City that changes faster than the subway map or the restaurants is the bar scene. While some established watering holes have been around for decades or centuries, the hot spot of the moment may well have opened last week and could likely close just as quickly. The best way to find a decent bar is to ask the advice of a native dweller with trustworthy taste. The following is a general overview of the popular neighborhoods for a night out. For more specific suggestions, see the relevant district pages. Greenwich Village - Probably the best neighborhood to go if you are in town for just a brief period. It is the equivalent somewhat of a Latin Quarter, full of locals of all ages, especially students attending NYU. There are many bars and jazz clubs around Bleecker Street and MacDougal, as well as near lower Seventh and Sixth Avenues. Chelsea - Lots of clubs and a thriving gay scene along Eighth Ave between 20th amp 30th Streets. There is a mix of bars and of course not every bar is a gay bar. West Chelsea (27th-29th Streets, west of 10th Ave) is loaded with clubs. If you are European and looking for a discotheque, this is where you want to be. The Meatpacking District - Trendier bars and clubs and some expensive restaurants, including the Old Homestead, NYCs oldest steakhouse. Located between Greenwich Village and Chelsea, around 14th St and 9th Ave. The Lower East Side - Formerly the dingy alternative to the West Village, but has become trendier today. Ludlow Street is crawling with bars and small music venues in an area that may remind you of the Bastille in Paris. Rivington and Stanton Street are also viable options. The area has experienced an influx of hipsters in recent years. The East Village - Lots of bars located on Second Ave around 2nd St. There is also a sizeable cluster of Japanese bars, which are great fun, located on St. Marks between 2nd and 3rd. Alphabet City - East of the East Village, this area was once a dangerous drug-addled hell hole today it is cleaned up and loaded with bars. Heroin dens have been replaced with brunch places Murray Hill - More hip with the 30-year-old crowd. The area around 29th St and Lexington Avenue has many Indian restaurants, but within three blocks there are plenty of watering holes, including a couple of fireman bars and an all Irish whiskey pub. Times Square - A very touristy area. The Marriot Marquis at Broadway amp 45th has a revolving bar on the 50th floor. The Peninsula Hotel at 5th Avenue amp 55th has probably the classiest rooftop bar in New York. The Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center is often closed and has a dress code. The Hotel Metro on 5th Avenue amp 35th also has a rooftop bar with fantastic, stress free, views of the Empire State Building. Very few New Yorkers would be caught dead at these places. Williamsburg - One stop into Brooklyn on the L train, this is the capital of NYCs hipster scene. If you like thin pale boys with tight jeans and no job, this is the place for you. There are plenty of bars along Bedford Avenue. Many of New Yorks small music venues are located here. Woodside - A 10-minute ride on the 7 train line from Times Square, this Queens neighborhood is a great for happy hour and drinking festivities before a Mets baseball game. There are several Irish pubs by the Woodside train station. Astoria - This Queens neighborhood, 25 minutes from Times Square on the NQ trains, is home to Queens Bohemian Hall Beer Garden, near the Astoria Boulevard subway stop. This bar, popular in the summer, covers an entire city block, is walled and filled with trees, indoor and outdoor tables and a cool crowd, and serves great Czech and German beer. Bay Ridge - This Brooklyn neighborhood has one of the highest concentrations of bars in the city The neighborhood has been generally IrishItalian and does not have the hipsteryuppie scene common in New York. Park Slope - This Brooklyn neighborhood is the yuppie capital of New York and you are more likely to find a tea house serving soy milk than a bar here. Young couples pushing strollers is a common sight. There is some low-key nightlife, although in recent years this has been on the decline. A number of lesbian bars are located in this area. St. George - This Staten Island neighborhood has a few bars located south of the ferry terminal. Make a left when you leave the boat. Tourists take the trip on the ferry every year and never get off. Look for live music at the Cargo Cafe or Karls Klipper, both located on Bay Street w phenomenal views of the Verrazano Bridge. Last Call edit Last call is 4AM, although many establishments will let you stay beyond that, especially in the outer boroughs. It is not uncommon to be locked in a bar after 4AM so people can keep drinking. Tipping edit Travelers from abroad should always follow local tipping customs when it comes to drinking at a bar. New York bartenders expect 1 for each drink served, even if it is a simple can of beer. The reason its expected is that it represents the overwhelming majority of the bartenders wage. The bar owner typically does not pay the bar staff, with the exception of a symbolic shift pay, which can be less than 5 an hour before taxes. The result is that on a slow night a bartender may make close to nothing, whereas on a busy Saturday they can walk out with a great deal of cash. Seasoned bartenders will not hesitate to remind the drinker of this custom, and it is sometimes assumed that non-tipping foreigners are consciously withholding tips despite knowing better. A customer who does not tip may find the level of service drop precipitously. While those not accustomed to this system may object to essentially bankrolling the salary of the staff, note that many bartenders will buy back your 3rd or 4th round (i. e. you get it for free), which can balance it out. In short, happy bartenders make happy customers, and your generosity will usually be rewarded. Liquor Stores edit In New York State (this includes NYC), wine and liquor are sold at liquor stores, and are not sold at delis or supermarkets. Beer cannot be bought 4AM-8AM on Sunday morning (although if you look hard, you can get around this). Liquor, wine and beer are almost always sold to you with a paper or plastic bag. Keep this bag on the alcohol. It is frowned upon to carry alcohol openly in the streets, as it is assumed you might be consuming it. Local Beers edit There are various local beers to try. Chelsea Brewing Company, Heartland Brewery, and Brooklyn Brewery are worth a visit. Drinking Age edit In New York, as in most of the US, the legal drinking age is 21. Even if youre well over 21, make sure to keep your drivers license (sufficient for US amp Canadian citizens), national ID card (usually sufficient for European citizens) or passport (sufficient for everyone else) at hand. Especially in touristy neighborhoods, its not uncommon to be asked to prove your age as a matter of policy or court order - even at a restaurant. Outside of the touristy areas, and especially in Brooklyn, people tend to be more relaxed. However the State of New York allows under-age drinking provided that it is on private premises that do not retail alcohol and has parental consent. Under-age drinking is also allowed for religious purposes. Sleep edit add listing The costs of hotel accommodation in New York City is generally higher than the American average, and Manhattan (where most visitors will want to base themselves) in particular has some of the most expensive accommodation in the world. Expect to pay up to 50 for a hostel, 100-200 for a budget room with shared bath, 250-350 for a mid-range hotel with a decent room and a restaurant andor room service right up to world famous luxury hotels such as the Waldorf Astoria or The Plaza, where a stay in the top suites can run into thousands of dollars a night. There is no shortage of choice however as all of the major international hotel chains such as Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott and Holiday Inn each have multiple properties in Manhattan. Most rooms below 200 in Manhattan are small with room for a bed, a tv, and little else, and may be located in less attractive areas of the island - for instance along the West Side Highway, or on the northern reaches beyond Central Park. You can reduce the costs by basing yourself in the outer boroughs, of course but beware of cheap hotels in Brooklyn or Queens where you may be sharing the premises with hourly customers A smarter move is to stay along the New Jersey shore - Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark for instance all have major chain hotels which can be much cheaper than their Manhattan equivalents, and are connected across the Hudson via the PATH system. That said however, there are ways of finding accommodation in a big name mainstream hotel in Manhattan at lower prices - it takes some determination - but it can be done using the following tips: JanuaryFebruary (but after the New Year period), are traditionally the quiet months in the city for tourism. If you can stomach the likelihood of heavy snow and bitterly cold weather (equally, New York has a character all of its own in times of heavy snowfall), there are deals to be had as hotels discount heavily to fill rooms. The the last 2 weeks of August, the 3 days before the US Thanksgiving, and Sunday evenings are also times when hotel rates drop, but if planning to visit during the US Thanksgiving - bear in mind the likely travel chaos before and after, and that many businesses (even in the city that never sleeps) close down completely on Thanksgiving Day itself. Consider combined flighthotel packages from your airline or travel agency they often reduce the overall cost of the trip considerably compared with booking travel and accommodation separately. Be aware that many of these are non-changeable and cannot be cancelled. Check with the usual price comparison and aggregation websites, and so-called Secret Room promotions - discounts from 75-200 per night are not unheard of. Airbnb is one of the best options for accommodation in NYC with over 1,000 listings in New York City. Private rooms and entire apartments in every borough of NYC with prices starting at around 50. Midtown and Soho are good suburbs if you are unfamiliar with Manhattan. Note that the city is starting to crack down on Airbnb as the some proprietors do not pay hotel taxes and others are technically illegal establishments in NYC. The Radisson Martinique on Broadway. 49 W 32ND ST, NEW YORK, NY 10001. 212-736-3800. 37. The Radisson Martinique on Brodway is located on Broways and 32nd streat - the heart of New York City. Nearby, you will find Penn Station and Subway connections just below the hotel. Located in Midtown Manhattan, this hotel offers well appointed hotel rooms and suites perfect for business and leisure travelers. ( 40.74826. -73.98801 ) 160edit The Avalon Hotel. 16 E 32ND ST, NEW YORK, NY 10016. 212-299-7000. 38. The Avalon Hotel NYC is located in the heart of New York City near 5th Avenue, Penn Station, and 7 subway lines. This boutique hotel in Midtown Manhattan offers guests spacious hotel rooms and suites perfect for business and leisure travelers. ( 40.7466232. -73.9845198 ) 160edit The Gotham Hotel. 16 E 46th Street, New York, NY 10017. 212.490.8500. 39. The Gotham Hotel on 46th Street is a luxury boutique hotel in Midtown East, Manhattan featuring 67 hotel rooms and suites with private balconies and an upscale on-site steakhouse in a modern, residential-style building. 160edit Taxes edit Room rates are typically quoted excluding taxes, so expect your actual bill to be higher than the quoted rate. Taxes include New York State and New York City sales tax (8.875), a New York City Hotel Occupancy Tax (varies but, for rooms above 40, 2 5.875), and a surcharge of 1.50. For a 100 per night room, expect to pay 117.75, after taxes are taken into account . Alternatives to Manhattan accommodations edit You can also find alternative accommodation such as short term apartments or hotels alternatives on the NewYorkStay website. Travellers with a very restrictive budget may prefer to share the amenities of an apartment with other travellers rather than spend hundreds of dollars in a hotel room they will use very little time. Its worth keeping in mind that you dont have to stay in Manhattan. Long Island City, Queens edit In Long Island City. Queens. there are 10-15 clean and safe hotels in the region just across the Queensborough59th Street Bridge from Manhattan. Accommodation here can cost as little as 50 per night. This area is being developed by the city as its new hotel zone. Take advantage of it Since the subway runs all night, you can go out in Manhattan and come back at any time. Brooklyn edit Brooklyn has a sprawling number of hotels. In the neighborhood of Park Slope alone there are over 5 hotels. With great access to public transportation and quick trips into Manhattan Brooklyn is definitely a borough you should look into. New Jersey edit Just over the Hudson River and out of the city limits, in New Jersey. there are cheaper hotels, and Manhattan is easily accessible by a short 15-minute ferry ride, by train, by bus, or by a more expensive cab ride. However, public transit to and from New Jersey does not run as often as transportation within New York City, especially after midnight. Taking a cab to New Jersey can be difficult - at times, crossing the bridges and tunnels to New Jersey is painfully slow due to traffic. Hotels close to Newark Airport can cost as little as 50 per night if booked online. However, to travel to Manhattan with public transportation can be complicated. Multiple transfers are required (airport shuttle to airport 62 to Newark Penn Station PATH train to the city), and services are of low frequency. Expect 1.5 to 2 hours each way from your Newark airport hotel to Manhattan. Jersey City can be easier - its only a short hop from there to Midtown on the PATH. Staten Island edit Another option for travelers coming from Newark Airport is to stay in Staten Island. Some Staten Island hotels offer free shuttle buses or are on bus lines to the free St. George Ferry to Manhattan. Do be aware though that Staten Island is a lot farther than it seems from the main attractions. Staying with locals edit It is highly advised to stay with someone you know who lives in New York, New Jersey or south and western Connecticut. If you dont know anyone, you can look into a hospitality exchange. New Yorkers love showing off their city and understand that hotels are expensive. Taking an old friend out to dinner one night in return for accommodation is far more economical than staying in a hotel - and you will get a real take on New York as opposed to just the tourist attractions. Contact edit Wi-Fi is available in city parks and quite a few public libraries. The Apple store has dozens of computers setup and doesnt seem to mind that many people use them for free internet access, but they can be pretty busy at times. Easy Internet Cafe and FedEx Office are just some of the internet cafes which offer broadband internet at reasonable prices. Finding a store with an open power outlet may be difficult so be sure your device is fully charged and its battery is working properly. Public phones are found all over the city so carry quarters if you plan to use them. Remember to include the 1 and area code when dialing from any phone in NYC - including private land line phones in buildings - as 11-digit dialing is always in effect, even when dialing locally. For choosing a mobile network OpenSignal provide crowdsourced cellular coverage maps of New York for comparing the carriers. Note, in US English carrier means network or mobile network operator. Be aware that some operators (such as Sprint and Verizon) use CDMA, this means you cannot get a SIM from these carriers. In addition, operators may use different network bands to those your phone uses, make sure you check this. You can also find information on network bands used by each network on OpenSignals network specific pages (e. g. T-Mobile network coverage. ATampT network coverage ). If you are traveling from overseas, you may need to unlock your cellphone before it can be used with a local carrier. One store that specializes in this service is New Wave Inc. located in Midtown Manhattan. (New Wave Inc. ) Stay safe edit Commonly believed to be very dangerous, New York is statistically the safest large city in the United States, and its crime rate per person is actually lower than the national average and many small towns. You can also be assured of a high police presence in Times Square, public transportation hubs and other major crowded places. The most common crime against tourists (not including being overcharged) is bag snatching. Never let go of your bag, especially in the subway but also when eating at a restaurant. Take special care if sitting outdoors or in a crowded self-service restaurant. Leave your passport and other valuables in a hotel safe or hidden in your suitcase, and dont flaunt a wad of money. While muggings are rare, they do happen. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially if you find yourself on a lightly traveled or poorly lit street. Certain neighborhoods that are off the tourist path should be avoided in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Riverside Park and Central Park can be dangerous at night. If you go to an evening outdoor concert at one of the parks, follow the crowd out of the park before heading toward your destination. In a post 911 New York, airport style security is becoming a common sight at a growing list of buildings, museums and tourist attractions, even the Public Library. Generally you can expect to have your bags checked (either manually by a security guard or through an x-ray machine) and walk through a metal detector. Unlike their counterparts at JFK and LaGuardia, security screenings at building entrances are surprisingly quick and efficient - and you can even leave your shoes on If you think youve inadvertently wandered into a dangerous area, hop into a cab, if available, or into the nearest subway station and go elsewhere. If a subway platform is deserted, stay within sight of the station agent if possible, or within sight of the closed circuit cameras. Otherwise, if you are on the streets of an unfamiliar neighborhood, acting like you know where youre going - even if you dont - goes a long way. Criminals tend to look for easy targets - dont be one New York has its share of odd people: talkative pan-handlers, lonely people just wanting a chat, religious preachers, people with psychological disorders, etc. If you prefer not to speak with someone who approaches you for a chat, do what most New Yorkers do: completely ignore them or say Sorry, gotta go while continuing to walk at a brisk pace. Despite the stereotypes, many New Yorkers are nice people and dont mind giving out directions (time allowing), so dont be afraid to ask In busier areas, you may even experience multiple New Yorkers jumping in to argue over the best way to get to your destination, which is often a quite colorful. If you ever get into trouble, approach the nearest police officer. Youll find them to be friendly, polite, and very helpful. Here are a few unofficial maps that can help you avoid inadvertently wandering into a higher-crime area. Cope edit NOTE: New York City has some of the nations strictest gun laws. Weapons permits issued elsewhere including New York State permits are not honored within the five boroughs of the city. Some popular venues have a No guns sign posted outside, leading people to falsely assume such weapons are prohibited only in certain places. In fact, theyre just as illegal outside these venues as inside. Attempting to leave weapons with security guards or police prior to entry will likely lead to very serious criminal charges. Costs edit New York is by far the most expensive city in the United States in which to both live and visit, although from a tourist perspective, you can expect the costs to be comparable to other major world cities such as London. Paris and Tokyo. One of the biggest expenses when visiting New York is accommodation - the median rate for a decent hotel room in Manhattan seldom dips below 200 a night for example, although there are techniques (see the Sleep section above) to lower the cost. On the flip side, eating out in restaurants - is relatively inexpensive given the massive amount of competition and choice on offer. As with most major tourist destinations, New York has its fair share of tourist traps in terms of eating and drinking options, which can trap the unwary. Information edit Citizen Service Center . tel 311 (lines open 247) - New York Citys official non-emergency help line, available in 171 languages for questions (parade hours and routes, parking restrictions, transport problems) and complaints (litter, noise pollution, access). Babysitting edit Baby Sitters Guild . 1 212 682-0227. Bookings daily 09:00-21:00, cash payments only. For stressed and busy parents visiting New York, round-the-clock baby-sitting is available short - or long-term from 20 per hour (4h minimum) and cab fare (approx. 10). Multilingual sitters are also available. Barnard Babysitting Agency . 1 212 854-2035. Students of Barnard College babysit for around 16 an hour, minimum two hours, plus a 20 registration fee. Smoking edit Smoking in public places is highly restricted. It is prohibited in indoor sections of bars, restaurants, subway stations and trains (all transit system property), public parks, public beaches, pedestrian malls, both indoor and outdoor stadiums and sports arenas, and many other public places. If you light up in any of these places, you are subject to a summons and fine, ejection, andor indignant reactions from residents. There do remain a small number of legal cigar bars that are exempt, as are the outside areas of sidewalk cafes and the like, but these are very much the exception. If you need to smoke while eating or drinking, be prepared to take a break and join the rest of the smokers outside, whatever the weather many establishments have large space heaters. As in most US cities, drinking alcoholic beverages on the street is illegal, so bars will not let you take your drink outside. Embassies edit Consulates edit Not a complete list. Other edit Get out edit Locals would ask why you ever want to leave, but New York is a great jumping-off point to other locations in the metro area (including New Jersey and Connecticut ) or anywhere in the Boston - Washington Megalopolis corridor. Paramus. New Jersey --- If you love shopping and want to avoid paying any sales tax on shoes and clothing, as well as trying to eat at favorite American restaurants and visit typical American suburban, take the bus, taxi or drive to one of the four local shopping malls in Paramus, a town located only 15 minute drive from George Washington Bridge, or 45 minutes from Midtown Manhattan. Garden State Plaza is the largest mall in New Jersey with over 300 retail stores, movie theater, restaurants and food court. Bergen Town Center only 5 minutes drive from Garden State Plaza is an outlet mall with nearly 50 stores and restaurants. If you have a car, drive along Route 4 and Route 17 and shop at any of the thousands of stores along the highways. The Shops at Riverside in Hackensack is an upscale-shopping mall right next to Paramus that offers some exclusive stores and great restaurants. All retail stores and malls are closed on Sundays in Bergen County, including Paramus and Hackensack malls. Long Island When you travel to NYC in the summer, a great idea is to check out Long Island. With its beautiful long white sanded beaches you can have it all: the big city and the summer holiday. Many New Yorkers do that every Friday, Saturday and Sunday if it is hot. Take the Long Island Rail Road from Penn Station to Long Beach (6.75 one way), and from there go south to the beach itself. Take a day trip on the Hampton Jitney from various stops in NYC to the East End, where Long Island wine country is on the North Fork and The Hamptons are on the South Fork. Fire Island - an all-pedestrian summer-resort island located off the coast of Long Island. Fire Island is home to many vacation communities on the western part of the island (Ocean Beach being the most populous, with the most restaurants and bars that make an excellent day trip). The eastern part of the island is home to the largely gay communities of Cherry Grove and the Fire Island Pines. Western Fire Island is reachable by ferry from Bay Shore on Long Island. Bay Shore is about an hours train ride on the Long Island Rail Road from Manhattan, and the ferry ride from Bay Shore is another thirty minutes. Ferries to Ocean Beach from Bay Shore run about once every hour during the summer. Cherry Grove and the Fire Island Pines are reachable by ferry from Sayville. The easternmost community, Davis Park, is reachable by ferry from Patchogue. Jersey City. New Jersey - Directly across the Hudson River from lower Manhattan is New Jerseys second largest city. Jersey City is a diverse city with lots of multicultural shops and restaurants. It can be reached from Manhattan via the Holland Tunnel or the PATH trains (the bi-state subway) Hoboken. New Jersey - Directly across the Hudson River from the West Village and Chelsea is the alleged birthplace of baseball (most erroneously believe that the birthplace is Cooperstown, NY) and actual birthplace of Frank Sinatra. Hoboken is a small city in area with a great assortment of prewar buildings and conspicuous lack of many corporate establishments. The piers have great views of Manhattan, a large selection of bars, restaurants, and clubs, and are a good place to walk around. Hoboken can be reached from Manhattan by the PATH train or by bus from Port Authority as well by NY Waterway ferries. The Palisades - On the western bank of the Hudson River, there are cliffs that rise sharply. These cliffs are known as the majestic Palisades. They range from 300 to 500 feet. They start in the Northern portion of Jersey City and stretch all the way to Nyack, New York. There are numerous viewpoints, trails and campsites located along the Palisades. The Palisades can be easily reached from Manhattan via the George Washington Bridge. Palisade Interstate Park and Parkway start north of the bridge. Jersey Shore. New Jersey - The Jersey Shore starts just a few miles south of New York City. It stretches for almost 130 miles, and along it are private and public beaches. There are numerous activities along the Jersey Shore. A convenient train ride on the NJ Transit trains from Penn Station will get you to several of the towns on the Jersey Shore, including Manasquan and Point Pleasant Beach. Westchester and the Hudson Valley - Home to the countrys only government-operated theme park - Rye Playland - as well as beautiful neighborhoods. There are pretty communities along the Long Island Sound and inland, and the Hudson Valley (which extends north of Westchester) is truly beautiful the train route (Metro North Hudson Line to Poughkeepsie or Amtrak to Albany) along the Hudson River is one of the loveliest in the country. Westchester County starts just north of the NYC borough of The Bronx. Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson. New Jersey - Just an 80-minute drive from Manhattan sits the largest theme park in the world. Six Flags Great Adventure features 12 monster roller coasters and includes a Wild Safari. There is also Six Flags Hurricane Harbor right next door (the largest water park in the Northeast). New Jersey Transit also provides bus service from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan when the park is open (May-October). Princeton. New Jersey - Also an easy train ride on New Jersey Transit, Princeton offers a quiet, tree-lined town, good for strolling or for visiting the Princeton University campus. Take the Northeast Corridor line to Princeton Junction, then transfer to the shuttle train (known locally as the Dinky) to ride directly into campus. New Haven. Connecticut Just 65 miles away, New Haven is a 1 hour 45 minute ride from Grand Central Terminal via Metro North Railroad, and home to Yale University. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania - The second capital of the United States is 1 hour 20 minutes away by Amtrak, very feasible for a day trip or side trip from New York. A cheaper but somewhat slower method of getting there is to either take the NJ Transit Northeast Corridor Line to Trenton and change for SEPTA or take a bus. Boston. Massachusetts - Beantown, home to the Freedom Trail, incredible seafood, Harvard University in nearby Cambridge, and the Boston Red Sox (who are the most hated sports team of most New Yorkers), is 4 hours north on I-95 (15-20 one way by bus on Greyhound, Peter Pan, Bolt Bus or Mega Bus), with a bus from Port Authority Bus Terminal every hour around the clock or 60-80 one way on Amtrak from Penn Station. Woodbury Commons, in Orange County - This is one of the largest outlet chains in the northeast with over 200 stores to shop in. Just take exit 16 (Harriman) on Interstate 87. If you dont have a car, there are several bus alternatives from Manhattan like Gray Line New York, Hampton Luxury Liner and Manhattan Transfer tours. Routes through New York CityLegal Recruiter New York City, New York Thank you. I too must tell you that working with you has been such a pleasure. Your professionalism, attentiveness and honesty has been very useful and something Ive really appreciated, especially considering my past experience with head hunters. I cannot begin to thank you for all your help and guidance. This experience has been unlike no other and I am confident that my new firm is going to be the beginning of a whole new career for me I have you to thank for that. I liked the feedback. I liked being able to check what the status was every week. You guys just applied me to places, and I appreciated that I knew at least most of what I was going to go into at an interview. I would tell others to use you. Youre just great. - Jordana Goodman Boston University, Class Of 2015 Placed at Gunderson Dettmer New York - New York City My recruiter in New York has been great in facilitating my job search process and already identified several potential opportunities. If any of my peers are seeking opportunities in the legal field and will make great candidates, I will refer them to BCG. - Stephen Cheng Cornell Law School, Class of 2007 Forest Hills - NY New York is a melting pot for culture and diversity and home to the largest financial exchange in the entire world. There are more listed financial companies on the New York Stock Exchange than anywhere around the globe and many of the world39s largest financial institutions, as well as law firms, are headquartered in New York. New York is an invigorating place to live and work. With many historical homes, as well as the apartments, town homes and brownstones, New York has some of the intricately detailed craftsmanship when it comes to homes and offices. Add to that the skyscrapers and technologically designed office towers and buildings, and you will find an amazing architectural community. Furthermore, there is always something to do in New York, with hundreds of theatres, dance studios, art museums and restaurants. Helping New York Attorney39s Find Law Firms for Over a Decade BCG Attorney Search has helped place many attorneys in law firms in the New York City area. Here are some of the most recent law firm placements made in New York City by BCG Attorney Search: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld LLP Alston Bird LLP Arent Fox LLP Arnold Porter LLP Baker Botts LLP Baker Hostetler LLP Baker McKenzie LLP Ballard Spahr Andrews Ingersoll, LLP Bingham McCutchen Bracewell Giuliani LLP Bryan Cave LLP BuckleySandler LLP Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton LLP Clifford Chance US LLP Cooley LLP Cadwalader, Wickersham Taft LLP Covington Burling LLP Crowell Moring LLP Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt Mosle LLP Davies Ward Phillips Vineberg LLP Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Debevoise Plimpton LLP Dechert LLP DLA Piper LLP Dorsey Whitney Drinker Biddle Reath LLP Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP Epstein Becker Green, P. C. Fish Richardson Foley Lardner LLP Fox Rothschild LLP Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver Jacobson LLP Fulbright Jaworski L. L.P. Gibson, Dunn Crutcher LLP Greenberg Traurig Haynes and Boone, LLP Holland Knight LLP Hunton Williams LLP Jenner Block Jones Day Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Kelley Drye Warren LLP KL Gates LLP Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP King Spalding Kirkland Ellis LLP Latham Watkins LLP Littler Mendelson Locke Lord LLP Loeb Loeb LLP Mayer Brown LLP McGuire Woods LLP McKenna Long Aldridge LLP McKool Smith Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo PC Morgan, Lewis Bockius LLP Morrison Foerster LLP Nixon Peabody LLP O39Melveny Myers LLP Orrick, Herrington Sutcliffe LLP Paul Hastings LLP Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton Garrison LLP Perkins Coie LLP Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Proskauer Rose, LLP Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Sullivan LLP Reed Smith LLP Robins Kaplan Miller Ciresi LLP Ropes Gray LLP Schiff Hardin LLP Sedgwick LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP Shearman Sterling LLP Sheppard Mullin Richter Hampton Sidley Austin LLP Simpson Thacher Bartlett LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher Flo m LLP Squire Sanders Steptoe Johnson LLP Stroock Stroock Lavan LLP Sutherland Asbill Brennan LLP Thompson Hine, LLP Troutman Sanders LLP Vedder Price PC Venable LLP Vinson Elkins LLP Weil, Gotshal Manges LLP WilmerHale White Case LLP Willkie Farr Gallagher LLP Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati Winston Strawn LLP BCG Attorney Search has worked in New York for over 11 years. We have worked with thousands of attorney candidates and have successfully placed attorneys with the top law firms in the area. Our recruiters in New York City have litigation experience as attorneys formerly working at top firms, as well as experience with bankruptcy, financial, real estate and many other areas of expertise, and they have the knowledge and insight as to what the law firms and practice groups are looking for in an attorney. We work very hard to match attorneys and law firms, in hopes that our matches will forge long-term employment relationships. Recruiters Stay with Candidates from Application to Interview and Beyond Unlike other legal staffing firms, we take the time to get to know our candidates face-to-face. Since our recruiters were attorneys themselves, we know the right questions to ask, and we know what to look for in an attorney. We strive for excellence and go above and beyond expectations to ensure that we get to know each attorney personally. We don39t just gather facts on paper about academic achievements or litigation history, but we get to know the attorney personally as well as professionally. We walk each attorney through every step of the recruitment process and we make sure that the attorney learns as much as possible about the law firm before they ever go to an interview. We also follow up after the interview with both the attorney and the law firm to ensure both parties had an ideal experience and obtained whatever information necessary to make future decisions. National and International Attorney Placements We have built many lifelong relationships with some of the best law firms in New York, as well as throughout the United States and internationally. Our recruiters know each firm and precisely what they are looking for in the attorney. We take the time to understand each firm39s culture, personality and work ethics and expectations. We want to know that every attorney we send to a law firm can and will succeed, not only for themselves, but also for the success of the law firm. We always maintain a very strict and direct Code of Conduct with the attorneys that we work with through the recruitment. We don39t share any information with any law firm about the attorney unless the attorney has given their direct permission to do so. We believe that confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Our Database Consists of Top-Tier Law Firms and Attorneys We work with the top attorneys in the world. We have a database which excels all our competitors and we are confident we have the most prestigious attorneys available for the top law firms throughout New York, and the entire Unites States. We know the right questions to ask each attorney candidate, and we go above all others to be able to provide access to the best law firm positions for each attorney that we work with. Kinds of Placements Large Law Firm Placements Mid-Sized and Boutique Law Firm Placements New York City, New York Recruiters Harrison Barnes has elevated the practice of legal recruiting to its very highest level through some very simple beliefs. Becca Levine is one of BCGs East Coast recruiters. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and worked as an associate at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher Flom in New York for many years prior to joining BCG as a recruiter. She uses her significant contacts throughout the legal profession to place her attorney candidates in firms in Boston and the East Coast. Jessica Portela is recuiter of BCG Attorney Search. She graduated cum laude and then earned her J. D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Ms. Portela makes partner, counsel, and associate placements. Katy Anderman covers a number of areas, including the NYC office. Prior to becoming a recruiter, Katy earned a Master39s Degree in Communications from Northwestern. Margaret Gilleran is a recruiter based out of the New York office. Prior to becoming a legal. Nadeen Weybrecht is one of BCG39s most versatile legal recruiters. With expertise in the legal markets of the East Coast as well as the Southern United States Contact Us Today For inquiries in this market, please contact: 125 Park Ave, FL 25, New York, NY 10022 p 212-232-0277 f 212-232-0111 toll-free 800-298-6440 jobsbcgsearch For more information about living and working in New York, click here . Additional Links to Resources: The BCG Attorney Search State of the Market Reports:

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